H.R. 3055 - Commerce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2020

Bill Text

    Rules Committee Print 116-18 PDF

    Showing the text of H.R. 3055, H.R. 3164, H.R. 3052, H.R. 2745, and H.R. 3163, as reported by the Committee on Appropriations, with modifications.

    Amendment Drafting Templates

    :: Transfer Amendment   DOC

    :: Limitation Amendment   DOC

    Text of H.R. 3055 PDF XML

    Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2020 (as reported)

    Reports on Incorporated Bills

        H. Rept. 116-101
            ::  Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 3055   PDF

        H. Rept. 116-107
            ::  Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 3164   PDF

        H. Rept. 116-100
            ::  Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 3052   PDF

        H. Rept. 116-63
            ::  Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 2745   PDF

        H. Rept. 116-106
            ::  Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 3163   PDF

Rule Information

REPORTED BY A RECORD VOTE OF 8-4 on Tuesday, June 18, 2019.

Agreed to by record vote of 231-195, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 232-193, on Wednesday, June 19, 2019.

MANAGERS: McGovern/Woodall

1. Structured rule.

2. Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations.

3. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.

4. Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 116-18, modified by the amendment printed in Part A of the report, shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.

5. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, for failure to comply with clause 2 of rule XXI.

6. Provides that clause 2(e) of Rule XXI shall not apply during consideration of the bill.

7. Makes in order only those further amendments printed in Part B of the Rules Committee report not considered as part of amendments en bloc, amendments en bloc described in section 3, and pro forma amendments described in section 4. Each amendment printed in the report not considered as part of amendments en bloc may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, may be withdrawn by the proponent at any time before action thereon, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by Section 4, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.

8. Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in Part B of the report or against amendments en bloc described in section 3.

9. Section 3 provides that the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or her designee may offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments printed in the report not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their designees, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 4, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.

10. Section 4 provides that the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their designees may offer up to 15 pro forma amendments each at any point for the purpose of debate.

11. Provides that at the conclusion of consideration of the bill for amendment the Committee shall rise and report the bill, as amended, to the House with such further amendments as may have been adopted. The question of such further amendments' adoption shall be put to the House en gros and without division of the question.

12. Provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.

13. Provides that during consideration of H.R. 3055, it shall not be in order to use a decrease in Overseas Contingency Operations funds to offset an amendment that increases an appropriation not designated as Overseas Contingency Operations funds or vice versa, but does not apply to amendments between the Houses.

14. Provides that during the further consideration of H.R. 2740 the amendment printed in part C of the Rules Committee report shall be considered as adopted in the House and in the Committee of the Whole. The question of the adoption of further amendments to H.R. 2740 reported from the Committee of the Whole shall be put to the House en gros and without division of the question.

15. Provides that during consideration of H.R. 3055 or during the further consideration of H.R. 2740, the Chair may entertain a motion that the Committee rise only if offered by the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or her designee. The Chair may not entertain a motion to strike out the enacting words of the bill.

16. Section 9 provides that on any legislative day during the period from June 28, 2019, through July 8, 2019: the Journal of the proceedings of the previous day shall be considered as approved; and the Chair may at any time declare the House adjourned to meet at a date and time to be announced by the Chair in declaring the adjournment.

17. Provides that the Speaker may appoint Members to perform the duties of the Chair for the duration of the period addressed by section 9 of the resolution.

18. Provides that each day during the period addressed by section 9 of this resolution shall not constitute a legislative day for the purposes of clause 7 of rule XV (Consensus Calendar).

19. Provides for consideration of concurrent resolutions providing for adjournment during the month of July, 2019.

20. Provides that it shall be in order at any time on the legislative day of June 27, 2019, for the Speaker to entertain motions that the House suspend the rules and that the Speaker or her designee shall consult with the Minority Leader or his designee on the designation of any matter for consideration pursuant to this section.

Amendments (click headers to sort)

Division A – Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 3Cunningham (SC), Murphy (FL), Rose, Max (NY), Soto (FL), Levin, Mike (CA), Luria (VA), Cisneros (CA), Gonzalez, Anthony (OH)Bi-PartisanRevised Transfers $2 million from the Department of Justice general administration account towards Veterans Treatment Courts. Made in Order
2Version 1Gomez (CA), Pressley (MA), Tlaib (MI)DemocratProhibits any funds from being used to implement the 2020 decennial census citizenship question.Submitted
3Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanStrikes out Section 218 of Division A Title II which bars case performance metrics for immigration judges. Submitted
4Version 2Perry (PA)RepublicanRevised Bars funding for jurisdictions that defy enforcement of federal immigration law.Revised
5Version 3Murphy (FL), Mast (FL), Soto (FL), Kaptur (OH), Posey (FL), Bonamici (OR), Crist (FL)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases National Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (NOAA); Operations, Research, and Facilities by $2,000,000, with the additional funding intended for Coastal Science Assessment; Competitive External Research, for research on Harmful Algal Blooms. Reduces Department of Commerce; Departmental Management; Salaries and Expenses by $2,000,000. Made in Order
6Version 2Horn (OK)DemocratRevised Decreases and increases funding by $2.5 million for Byrne Justice Assistance Grants Memorial funding dedicated to training to improve police responses to people with developmental disabilities or mental illnesses.Made in Order
7Version 1Gosar (AZ), Duncan (SC)RepublicanStrikes the provision that provides an additional $10,000,000 in grant funding for programs for nonprofits to provide legal representation to immigrants arriving at the southwest border seeking asylum and other forms of legal protection in the U.S. Submitted
8Version 1Riggleman (VA)RepublicanIncreases funding by $1 million to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration for programs that provide policy and technical training, including spectrum management, best practices for 5G deployment, privacy regulation, and internet policymaking, to information communication technology professionals from developing countries.Submitted
9Version 2Banks (IN)RepublicanRevised Reduces amounts made available in Division A, other than amounts made available to the Department of Defense, by 14 percent. Made in Order
10Version 1Rooney (FL)RepublicanRequires the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science to continue forecasting and monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms during a lapse in funding due to the human health ramifications. Submitted
11Version 1Mitchell (MI)RepublicanReduces by 10% the salary and expenses accounts for the Economic Development Administration, Economic and Statistical Analysis, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the Department of Justice in Division A. Submitted
12Version 1Mitchell (MI)RepublicanReduces spending in Division A by 3 percent.Submitted
13Version 2Foster (IL)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases the Nuclear Thermal Propulsion account by $1 in order to direct that NASA work towards the development of a low enriched uranium (LEU) space power reactor.Made in Order
14Version 2Foster (IL)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases the Space Technology account by $6.5 million in order to direct that $6.5 million within the account be used for NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program. Made in Order
15Version 2Moore (WI), Haaland (NM), Davids (KS)DemocratRevised Increases funding for tribal governments to exercise jurisdiction over domestic violence by $5 million. Made in Order
16Version 1Burchett (TN)RepublicanWithdrawn Reduces funding by $15,000,000 for expenses associated with the restoration of Pacific salmon populations in Division A and increases funding for to the National Parks Services in Division C.Withdrawn
17Version 1Duncan (SC), Gaetz (FL), Crawford (AR), Cloud (TX), Lesko (AZ), Norman (SC)RepublicanStrips the language from the bill that prevents the Census from including questions about citizenship.Submitted
18Version 2Omar (MN), Tlaib (MI), Garcia, Jesús (IL)DemocratRevised Prohibits funding for the Federal Bureau of Prisons to contract with private prisons. Revised
19Version 2Omar (MN), Pressley (MA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding for the Federal Prison System by $1 million to express concern with the use of solitary confinement within the Federal Bureau of Prisons or the United States Marshals Service.Made in Order
20Version 1Ruiz (CA), Rose, Max (NY)DemocratProvides an additional $2 million for training, peer mentoring, and mental health programs for law enforcement officers. Made in Order
21Version 2Buchanan (FL)RepublicanRevised Increases funding for the Drug Enforcement Administration by $5 million to combat the flow of illegal fentanyl from China.Revised
22Version 2McAdams (UT)DemocratRevised Provides additional funding to Victims of Child Abuse Act programs to support Child Advocacy Centers that provide services to child survivors of abuse.Made in Order
23Version 1Garcia, Jesús (IL), Pressley (MA)DemocratProhibits the use of funds in this bill towards the operation of correctional facilities by a private prison or contractor. Submitted
24Version 3Castro (TX)DemocratRevised Increases the Department of Justice body-worn camera partnership initiative by $2.5 million (from $25 million to $27.5 million), with a corresponding reduction to the Department of Justice Salaries and Expenses account.Made in Order
25Version 1McNerney (CA)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $5,000,000 the National Science Foundation’s Research and Related Activities budget to support a research program to study optimal approaches and procedures for implementing partisan symmetry and compactness criteria for congressional district selection. Made in Order
26Version 2Plaskett (VI)DemocratRevised Includes the Virgin Islands as a jurisdiction where federal interference with local law allowing the use, distribution, possession, or cultivation of medical marijuana is prohibited.Made in Order
27Version 2Escobar (TX)DemocratRevised Prohibits funds from being used to enforce the zero-tolerance prosecution policy at the Department of Justice. Made in Order
28Version 1Hudson (NC)RepublicanIncreases funding for research to study the root causes of school violence by $1 million.Made in Order
29Version 2Cunningham (SC), Rooney (FL), Rutherford (FL), Fitzpatrick (PA), Mast (FL), Huffman (CA), McEachin (VA), Lowenthal (CA), Blumenauer (OR), Wasserman Schultz (FL), Van Drew (NJ), Beyer (VA), Pappas (NH), Soto (FL), Pallone (NJ), Crist (FL), Clyburn (SC)Bi-PartisanRevised Blocks funding for NOAA to approve oil and gas exploration, including seismic airgun blasting, in the Atlantic.Made in Order
30Version 2Porter (CA), Tlaib (MI)DemocratRevised Increases funding for the court-appointed special advocate and guardian ad litem program to $12,500,000.Made in Order
31Version 2Porter (CA), Tlaib (MI), Pressley (MA)DemocratRevised Increases funding to reduce the sexual assault kit backlog to $50,000,000.Made in Order
32Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratIncreases funding for DOJ Juvenile Accountability Block Grants program by $1,000,000.Submitted
33Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratIncreases funding by $1,000,000 for the Department of Justice to provide technical support and assistance to local and state law enforcement agencies in the correct interpretation and utilization of the law relating to T and U visas or status to human trafficking and crime victims to facilitate their cooperation in bringing the perpetrators of crime to justice.Submitted
34Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratIncreases funding for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Engagement by $1 million in order to support NASA-Education (Minority University Research Education Program).Submitted
35Version 2Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases by $2,000,000 funding for the Office of Justice Programs grant in order to support programs to engage adult men and young persons to reduce and prevent domestic violence against children.Made in Order
36Version 1Jeffries (NY)DemocratTransfers $914,000 from the Department of Commerce’s Departmental Management, Salaries and Expenses account to the Office of the Inspector General’s account. Made in Order
37Version 1Jeffries (NY)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits Department of Justice funds from being used to repeal the Affordable Care Act through a civil action. Withdrawn
38Version 1Lipinski (IL), Lujan (NM)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $1,200,000 funding within the National Science Foundation Research and Related Activities account to support a National Academy of Sciences study on Revitalizing the Historical University-Government-Industry Partnership.Made in Order
39Version 2Norton (DC)DemocratRevised Prohibits the Federal Bureau of Prisons from using funds to impose copays and other fees associated with healthcare services provided to federal prisoners.Revised
40Version 1Spano (FL)RepublicanIncreases funding for the International Trade Administration by $2 million with the intent to provide additional funding for enforcement and compliance. Reduces funding by $2 million for Department of Commerce Salaries and Expenses account. Made in Order
41Version 1Spano (FL), Lesko (AZ), Webster (FL), McKinley (WV)RepublicanIncreases funding for authorized victim services programs for victims of trafficking by $5 million and increases grants for purposes authorized under the STOP School Violence Act by $5 million. Reduces funding by $10 million for a pilot program to provide legal representation to immigrants arriving at the southwest border seeking asylum and other forms of legal protection in the United States. Submitted
42Version 1Gomez (CA)DemocratEnsures that Title 13 is fully enforced and ensures that no funds will be used to share decennial census data information. The amendment would also prohibit the Department of Commerce from sharing census data with the Department of Homeland Security and/or other agencies.Submitted
43Version 1Babin (TX)RepublicanIncreases and decreases by $5,000,000 to the State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance section for targeted violence prevention training and support programs.Made in Order
44Version 3Bera (CA)DemocratRevised Increases VAWA funding by $2 million to support grants enhancing culturally specific services for domestic violence survivors.Made in Order
45Version 2Huffman (CA), Rooney (FL), Cunningham (SC), Carbajal (CA)Bi-PartisanRevised States that none of the funds can be used by NOAA to implement any changes to the regulations that govern the federal consistency and appeals process under the Coastal Zone Management Act. This process provides states the authority to review activities proposed in federal waters to ensure they are consistent with a state’s coastal management plan developed pursuant to the CZMA.Made in Order
46Version 2Velázquez (NY), Espaillat (NY), Garcia, Jesús (IL), Omar (MN), Tlaib (MI), Pressley (MA)DemocratRevised Decreases and increases funding by $1 for Federal Prison System Salaries and Expenses to oppose the use of contracted private prison facilities for BOP detention purposes, including the use of such facilities for immigration enforcement.Made in Order
47Version 3Burgess (TX), Brooks, Susan (IN), DeGette (CO), Kuster (NH)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding for the Keep Young Athletes Safe Act grant program by $2.5 million and reduces funding for salaries and expenses at the Department of Commerce by $2.5 million. Made in Order
48Version 1Cohen (TN), Raskin (MD)DemocratProhibits the use of funds to enter into any new contract, grant, or cooperative agreement with any Trump related business listed in the President Trump’s Annual Financial Disclosure Report submitted to the Office of Government Ethics as well as certain Trump related properties listed on the Trump Organization’s website. The specific properties are listed in the amendment.Made in Order
49Version 1Posey (FL), Wilson, Frederica (FL), Murphy (FL), Wasserman Schultz (FL), Mast (FL)Bi-PartisanAdds and removes $1,969 from NASA’s Exploration account to highlight the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon and back, which launched from Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.Made in Order
50Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanReduces funds made available to division A by 13.3 percent. Made in Order
51Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanWithdrawn Restricts funds made available in this bill from being used to prevent or otherwise inhibit the Bureau of the Census from using, with respect to any census or survey conducted by the Bureau, a question regarding citizenship status. Withdrawn
52Version 2Kim (NJ), Brownley (CA), Kuster (NH), Cisneros (CA)DemocratRevised Increases funding for the veterans treatment courts program by $1,000,000.Made in Order
53Version 2Duffy (WI)RepublicanRevised Increases funding for the Anti-Methamphetamine Task force by $10,000,000 to ensure law enforcement have the resources they need to combat the worsening methamphetamine epidemic. Reduces funding for legal representation for immigrants arriving at the southern border by the same amount. Revised
54Version 1Duffy (WI), McMorris Rodgers (WA)RepublicanIncreases funding for the COPs Hiring Program and the Secure Our Schools Grant program by $7.175 billion to secure every school in the United States. Submitted
55Version 2Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratRevised Increases funding by $1 million for the National Sex Offender Public Website, the only government website that links public state, territorial, and tribal sex offender registries into one national search site.Made in Order
56Version 1Allen (GA)RepublicanReduces spending in Division A by 1 percent.Submitted
57Version 3Pappas (NH)DemocratRevised Provides an additional $2,000,000 for the comprehensive opioid abuse program and reduces $2,000,000 from general administration funds for the Department of Justice.Made in Order
58Version 2Pascrell (NJ)DemocratRevised Prohibits the Department of Justice from using appropriated funds to require States and local governments to certify compliance with certain federal immigration and information sharing policies in order to receive Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance grants (Byrne JAG). Revised
59Version 1Pascrell (NJ), Fitzpatrick (PA), King, Peter (NY), Gottheimer (NJ), Zeldin (NY)Bi-PartisanIncreases funding for the Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Grant Program by $5,000,000, to bring funding for the program to its fully authorized level. It offsets this increase by decreasing funding for the Department of Justice, General Administration, Salaries and Expenses account by $5,000,000. Made in Order
60Version 1Pappas (NH)DemocratWithdrawn States that none of the funds from this Act may be used by the Attorney General to enforce chapter 50 of title 18, United States Code, with respect to conduct related to State or multi-State lotteries which is lawful in the State or States in which the conduct occurs.Withdrawn
61Version 1Davidson (OH)RepublicanPrevents funds from being used to transfer funds from the Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Fund to a state or local law enforcement agency.Submitted
62Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanDecreases and increases funds by $2,000,000 for the International Trade Administration to support trade promotion programs in Taiwan.Made in Order
63Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanIncreases the funding for the Executive Office for Immigration Review by $5 million, with the intention of hiring more immigration review judges.Submitted
64Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanIncreases and decreases the construction and environmental compliance and restoration account by $5,000,000 in order to highlight the importance of building horizontal runways.Submitted
65Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanIncreases and decreases the NASA science and research fund by $1,000,000 with the intention of funding embryology experiments to further understanding of development in space in regards to sending people to Mars.Made in Order
66Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanPrevents funds in Division A from being used to promote foreign investment or manufacturing in the People’s Republic of China until there is a trade agreement in place between the United States and the People's Republic of China. Submitted
67Version 1Shalala (FL), Deutch (FL), Gaetz (FL), Wasserman Schultz (FL), Diaz-Balart (FL), Frankel (FL), Wilson, Frederica (FL), Hastings (FL), Mucarsel-Powell (FL)Bi-PartisanStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to relocate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Southeast Fisheries Science Center from Virginia Key, Florida.Submitted
68Version 1Courtney (CT), Larson, John (CT), DeLauro (CT), Himes (CT), Hayes (CT)DemocratIncreases and decreases $4 million from the National Institute of Standards and Technology's general operations fund to support research on the effects of the mineral pyrrhotite on concrete aggregate. NIST is the leading federal expert in cement and concrete standards.Made in Order
69Version 3Dean (PA), Scanlon (PA), Cartwright (PA)DemocratRevised Increases funding for the John R. Justice Program by $2,000,000, to provide student loan repayment assistance for public defenders and prosecutors. This program is intended to serve as an incentive for qualified individuals to enter and continue employment as public defenders or prosecutors- without this vital funding, the program will continue to fall short of its mission. Made in Order
70Version 1Stevens (MI), Gaetz (FL), Neguse (CO), Fitzpatrick (PA), McAdams (UT), King, Peter (NY), Dean (PA), Buchanan (FL), Axne (IA)Bi-PartisanRemoves and adds $2,000,000 from the Legal Activities account at the Department of Justice for the purpose of instructing the Environment and Natural Resources Division to allocate more resources to the enforcement of animal cruelty laws. Made in Order
71Version 1Crow (CO), Escobar (TX)DemocratEnsures that the U.S. Census Bureau follow existing law and not share data or information gathered, especially through data sharing agreements, with any department, bureau, or agency and penalizes disclosure of information by Census employees. Made in Order
72Version 2Walorski (IN), Sewell (AL), Ferguson (GA), Kind (WI)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases and decreases funding for the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) by $1,000,000 to encourage transparency in the Section 232 investigation into imports of automobiles and automobile parts by releasing the report to the public.Made in Order
73Version 2Walorski (IN)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases funding for the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) by $1,000,000 to support transparency and fairness in the Section 232 steel and aluminum exclusion process.Revised
74Version 1Kim (NJ), Norcross (NJ)DemocratWithdrawn Increases the military construction army reserve account by $10,000,000 to be used for road construction.Withdrawn
75Version 1Buck (CO), Lesko (AZ)RepublicanEnsures that State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) funds may only be distributed to jurisdictions in compliance with federal law.Submitted
76Version 1Buck (CO)RepublicanAllows funds to be used to process applications for restoration of Americans’ Second Amendment rights.Submitted
77Version 2Miller (WV)RepublicanRevised Transfers $6 million from a comprehensive opioid abuse program to an opioid affected youth initiative.Revised
78Version 2Gabbard (HI), Massie (KY)Bi-PartisanRevised Prohibits the use of funds for the purchase of body cameras that are equipped with or subjected to any facial recognition or other biometric surveillance.Revised
79Version 2McKinley (WV), Perlmutter (CO)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases and decreases the Salaries and Expenses account within the Federal Prison System budget by $2 million in order to direct that $2 million within the account to be used for recruitment and retention incentive programs at short-staffed facilities.Made in Order
80Version 2McKinley (WV)RepublicanRevised Increases NOAA’s Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction account by $15 million, with the additional funding intended for the expansion of the Weather and Climate Operational Supercomputing System. Reduces NOAA’s Operations, Research, and Facilities account by $15 million with the intent of repurposing research funding for the supercomputing system.Revised
81Version 2Estes (KS)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases by $1 million funding for the U.S. Trade Representative to establish that funds are not to be expended to enact future 301 tariffs in a manner that is not consistent with the currently established exclusion process for articles subject to such tariffs.Made in Order
82Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanWithdrawn States that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to award a contract for services to train any employee of an Executive agency to learn how to support or defeat legislation pending before Congress.Withdrawn
83Version 2Gosar (AZ)RepublicanRevised States that none of the funds made available by this act may be used to carry out trauma informed discovery or investigation.Revised
84Version 2Gosar (AZ), Duncan (SC)RepublicanRevised Prohibits grants for Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change. Made in Order
85Version 1Hill, French (AR)RepublicanProhibits the Bureau of Prisons from making contractual awards to the Nation of Islam (NOI).Submitted
86Version 2Clarke, Yvette (NY), Cisneros (CA)DemocratRevised States that no Census Bureau funds may be used in violation of the Bureau's confidentiality policies. Made in Order
87Version 3Rutherford (FL)RepublicanRevised Increases the NOAA Operations, Research, and Facilities account by $3.5 million for third party data collection of reef fish in the South Atlantic. It is offset by decreasing the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Salaries and Expenses account to FY19 levels.Made in Order
88Version 1Brown (MD)DemocratStates that none of the funds may be used to implement the Trump Administration’s Migrant Protection Protocols, to ensure that immigrants stay in the U.S. pending Section 240 removal proceedings before an immigration judge. Submitted
89Version 4Neguse (CO)DemocratRevised Increases funding by $1 million for the NASA Office of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Engagement, for the purposes of supporting the NASA Space Grant College and Fellowship Program. Made in Order
90Version 2Neguse (CO)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) by $5 million in order to encourage states to continue to improve their criminal and mental records for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.Made in Order
91Version 2Neguse (CO)DemocratRevised Increases funding for Juvenile Justice Programs by $1,000,000.Made in Order
92Version 1Delgado (NY), Finkenauer (IA)DemocratStates that none of the funds appropriated in this Act may be used by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to update a broadband availability map using only Form 477 data from the Federal Communications Commission.Made in Order
93Version 1Jayapal (WA)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits funding to be used to prohibit states and localities from establishing and implementing safe consumption sites.Withdrawn
94Version 2Jayapal (WA)DemocratRevised Transfers $2 million in funding from the Department of Justice general administration account to a national center for restorative justice.Made in Order
95Version 2Jayapal (WA), Meadows (NC), Tlaib (MI)Bi-PartisanRevised Prohibits funding from being used by the Department of Justice to use or purchase face recognition technology.Revised
96Version 1Walberg (MI)RepublicanIncreases salaries and expenses for NTIA by $6 million with the intent to carry out Executive Order 13873 titled, "Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain". Submitted
97Version 1Walberg (MI), Rush (IL), Raskin (MD), Cárdenas (CA), McClintock (CA), Amash (MI), Gabbard (HI)Bi-PartisanProhibits use of funds for "adoptive seizures," wherein law enforcement evades stricter state laws governing civil asset forfeiture by seizing property and referring it to federal authorities.Made in Order
98Version 2Trone (MD), Neguse (CO)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) by $120,000,000 to encourage modernization of NIST's aging infrastructure.Made in Order
99Version 3Trone (MD)DemocratRevised Increases funding by $1,500,000 for mental health courts and adult and juvenile collaboration program grants that improve mental health services and provide diversion for justice-impacted individuals.Made in Order
100Version 3Underwood (IL), Jeffries (NY)DemocratRevised Prevents the Department of Justice from using federal funds for litigation that undermines the Affordable Care Act.Made in Order
101Version 2Malinowski (NJ)DemocratRevised Increases funding for the National Security Division by $1,000,000 to be directed towards the Domestic Terrorism Counsel. Made in Order
102Version 1Nadler (NY), Engel (NY), Escobar (TX)DemocratWithdrawn Cuts $1 million from the Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel.Withdrawn
103Version 2Golden (ME), Pingree (ME)DemocratRevised States that none of the funds may be used for NOAA to utilize a North Atlantic right whale Risk Reduction Decision Support Tool. Made in Order
104Version 2Beyer (VA), Meadows (NC), Tlaib (MI)Bi-PartisanRevised Bars funds from being used for state and local law enforcement agencies’ purchase or implementation of facial recognition technology.Revised
105Version 4Scott, Bobby (VA), Foxx (NC)Bi-PartisanRevised Transfers $13 million from federal prisoner detention to Youth PROMISE local delinquency prevention grants.Made in Order
106Version 1Dunn (FL), Stefanik (NY), LaMalfa (CA), Roby (AL), McKinley (WV), González-Colón, Jenniffer (PR), Mast (FL), King, Peter (NY)RepublicanWithdrawn Makes available $4,000,000 dollars to carry out a one-year pilot program to provide access to magnetic EEG/EKG-guided resonance therapy to treat veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, military sexual trauma, chronic pain, or opiate addiction. Withdrawn
107Version 2Bost (IL)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases by $3 million funding for International Trade Administration Enforcement and Compliance to promote Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty Trade Remedy Investigations and provide resources for the agency to self-initiate investigations against illegal trade practices.Made in Order
108Version 2Langevin (RI)DemocratRevised Increases funding for CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service, the nation’s premiere cybersecurity workforce recruitment and curriculum development initiative by $7.35 million.Revised
109Version 3Langevin (RI), King, Peter (NY)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding for Regional Information Sharing Systems, part of the Community Oriented Policing (COPS) Program, by $2.7 million.Made in Order
110Version 1Fletcher (TX)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $1,500,000 funding for the NOAA operations, research and facilities fund in order to have the Administrator of NOAA to charge and contract with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine to undertake the inaugural decadal survey of the US weather enterprise, to be completed not later than December 15, 2020. The survey shall provide policymakers with the relevant information to prioritize investments in weather forecasting, modeling, and data assimilation over the next ten years; assess the current US weather enterprise and how it has performed over the previous five years; and evaluate future potential federal investments in science, satellites, radars, and other observation technologies.Made in Order
111Version 2Moulton (MA)DemocratRevised Increases National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Operations, Research, and Facilities funding by $1,500,000, with the additional funding intended for North Atlantic Right Whale research and monitoring. Reduces funding for Department of Justice General Administration by $1,500,000.Made in Order
112Version 2Scanlon (PA)DemocratRevised Increases the funding for Title II and Title V of Juvenile Justice Programs by $2 million and offsets with decreases to the general administration fund. Made in Order
113Version 1Norton (DC)DemocratProhibits the Federal Bureau of Prisons from using funds to impose subsistence fees on individuals in halfway houses or on home confinement.Made in Order
114Version 1Blumenauer (OR)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits the Department of Justice from interfering with tribal medical cannabis programs.Withdrawn
115Version 3Blumenauer (OR), Norton (DC), McClintock (CA)Bi-PartisanRevised Prohibits the Department of Justice from interfering with state cannabis programs. The term “state” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Made in Order
116Version 1Blumenauer (OR)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits the Department of Justice from interfering with tribal cannabis programs in states with cannabis programs.Withdrawn
117Version 1Blumenauer (OR)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits the Department of Justice from interfering with tribal medical cannabis programs in states with cannabis programs.Withdrawn
118Version 2Blumenauer (OR), Haaland (NM)DemocratRevised Prohibits the Department of Justice from interfering with tribal cannabis programs.Made in Order
119Version 1Blumenauer (OR)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits the Department of Justice from interfering with Veterans Affairs healthcare providers who choose to recommend medical cannabis to their patients in states with medical cannabis programs.Withdrawn
120Version 1Espaillat (NY)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits the use of federal funds to operate private prisons.Withdrawn
121Version 3Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanRevised States that none of the funds made available in this act may be used in contravention of the national standards for fishery conservation and management as set out in section 301 of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Made in Order
122Version 1Barr (KY), Johnson, Hank (GA), Bishop, Sanford (GA)Bi-PartisanWithdrawn Disallows any funding including that is appropriated through H.R. 3055 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2020 to the Department of Justice, be used in enforcing the November 2, 2018 Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel Memorandum entitled "Reconsidering Whether the Wire Act Applies to Non-Sports Gambling."Withdrawn
123Version 2Plaskett (VI)DemocratRevised Provides for inclusion of the insular territories of the United States within the meaning of the term “persistent poverty counties”. Made in Order
124Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanProvides for a one percent across the board cut to the discretionary spending levels in Division A of the bill. Submitted
125Version 3Babin (TX)RepublicanRevised Transfers $3.6 million to the Department of Commerce Management account from NOAA’s Operations, Research, and Facilities account to facilitate the transfer of the Office of Space Commerce and the Office of Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs back to where they are authorized by statute, thereby advancing U.S. leadership in space commerce and commercial remote sensing.Made in Order
126Version 1Ocasio-Cortez (NY)DemocratStrikes section 202-204, where it states that no funds in the General Provisions for the Department of Justice can be used for an abortion (except in the case of rape, incest, or threat to the mother's health). Submitted
127Version 3Ocasio-Cortez (NY)DemocratRevised Moves $5 million from the DEA (enforcement) to the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (treatment) in keeping with the growing consensus to treat drug addiction as a public health issue. This still leaves the DEA with the $84.9 million more than FY19 and $72.7 million more than the president's request. Made in Order
128Version 2Torres Small, Xochitl (NM)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) by $1 million in order to direct that $1 million within the account be used for improving broadband mapping. Made in Order
129Version 1Panetta (CA), Sensenbrenner (WI)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases the State and Local Law Enforcement account by $15 million to support, deploy, and implement gun and gunshot detection and mitigation technologies.Made in Order
130Version 2Collins, Doug (GA)RepublicanRevised Provides $20 million to restore funding for the Project Safe Neighborhoods program, the cornerstone of DOJ’s anti-gun violence and anti-gang efforts. Made in Order
131Version 1Collins, Doug (GA)RepublicanWithdrawn Provides $20 million for this fiscal year to restore funding for the Project Safe Neighborhoods program, the cornerstone of DOJ’s anti-gun violence and anti-gang efforts. Withdrawn
132Version 2Rush (IL)DemocratRevised Transfers $2,000,000 from the Department of Justice general operating account to the Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Grant Program.Made in Order
133Version 1Beyer (VA)DemocratIncreases and decreases funds by $1,000,000 from the National Science Foundation research and related activities account to direct the National Science Foundation to provide Congress with a report on its efforts to incorporate social impact assessments into the artificial intelligence research it funds.Made in Order
134Version 2Adams (NC), Moore (WI), Hudson (NC)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funds for National Special Security Events by $2 million. This funding is dedicated to the security of the Democratic and Republican National Conventions.Revised
135Version 2Adams (NC)DemocratRevised Increases funding for Byrne-JAG by $1 million. Increases prosecutorial decision-making line-item by $1 million.Made in Order
136Version 6Adams (NC)DemocratRevised Increases funding for the transitional housing program for domestic violence victims by $1 million.Made in Order
137Version 1Pressley (MA)DemocratDirects an additional $3,000,000 to DOJ's Children of Incarcerated Parents program to support reentry services and family reunification upon release.Made in Order
138Version 2Pressley (MA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $2,000,000 for Byrne Justice Assistance Grants Memorial funding to support community-based violence prevention programs.Made in Order
139Version 3Jayapal (WA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $4,000,000 in support of the creation and funding of programs utilizing the Permanent Supportive Housing model. Made in Order
140Version 1Crist (FL)DemocratLate Withdrawn Increases and decreases the NASA Science account by $25 million in order to support the Small Satellite Constellations Initiative that focuses on increasing the use and utility of data from commercial constellations of small satellites for Earth system science research.Withdrawn
141Version 5Waters (CA)DemocratLate Revised Adds $2 million to the legal assistance for victims fund, which increases the availability of legal assistance for victims of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault. Made in Order
142Version 1Gonzalez, Vicente (TX), Stivers (OH)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases by one $1 the Executive Office for Immigration Review Account in order to direct the Executive Office of Immigration Reform to prioritize the efficient hiring of judges, without reducing the quality of the hires.Made in Order
143Version 2Takano (CA)DemocratLate Revised Decreases and increases funding by $1 million for the Office of Civil Rights to oppose any efforts to limit or eliminate protections under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act through rulemaking.Made in Order
144Version 1Panetta (CA)DemocratIncreases and decreases NOAA Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction account by $9 million to support collocation of NOAA facilities and public institutions of higher education for the purposes of collaborative research, education, workforce development, and diversity.Made in Order
145Version 2Waters (CA)DemocratLate Revised Increases funding for the National Science Foundation’s HBCU Undergraduate Program by $5,000,000 in order to stimulate sustainable improvement in HBCU research and development capacity and competitiveness, offset by $5 million from the National Science Foundation research and related activities account. Made in Order
146Version 3Waters (CA)DemocratLate Revised Transfers $1 million from the Department of Justice general administration account towards the grants to prevent trafficking of girls. Made in Order
147Version 1Stivers (OH), Gonzalez, Vicente (TX)Bi-PartisanLate Increases funding for the for Executive Office for Immigration Review by $71,147,000 to hire an additional 100 Immigration Judge Teams and support staff.Submitted
148Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanLate States that no funds appropriated in Division A may be allocated to any sanctuary jurisdiction.Submitted
149Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanLate Strikes lines 14-18 (Section 534, pg. 107), which states that none of the funds made available in this Act or any other Act may be used by the Department of Commerce to incorporate into the 2020 Decennial Census any question that was not included in the 2018 End-to- End Census Test in Providence County, Rhode Island.Made in Order
150Version 1Roby (AL)RepublicanWithdrawn Increases and decreases funding by $5 million for the Construction of Aircraft Maintenance Facility for F-35 squadron. Withdrawn
151Version 1Gallego (AZ)DemocratLate Prohibits funds from being used to defend President Trump’s Proclamation shrinking Bears Ears National Monument in Federal court.Submitted
152Version 1Johnson, Hank (GA), Barr (KY), Bishop, Sanford (GA), Pappas (NH)Bi-PartisanLate Disallows any funds appropriated through H.R. 3055 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2020 to the Department of Justice, be used in enforcing the November 2, 2018, Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel Memorandum entitled “Reconsidering Whether the Wire Act Applies to Non-Sports Gambling.Submitted
153Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanLate Prohibits use of State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance in contravention of the Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (relating to establishment of sanctuary cities). Submitted
154Version 1Blunt Rochester (DE), Kuster (NH)DemocratLate Increases and decreases by $1,000,000 on for the Office on Violence Against Women Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs to prioritize the importance of these funds for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault.Made in Order
155Version 1Panetta (CA)DemocratLate Withdrawn Prohibits any funds from being used to detain or deport immigrant victims of violent crimes who assist law enforcement in the prosecution of criminal activity, immigrant victims of human trafficking, or immigrant Violence Against Women Act applicants until a final administrative denial of their visa petition.Withdrawn
156Version 1Van Drew (NJ), Axne (IA)DemocratLate Increases funding for the hiring of additional immigration judges and the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) by $5 million each and decreases funding for a grant pilot program for qualified nonprofit organizations to provide legal representation to immigrants arriving at the southwest border by $10 million.Submitted
157Version 1Scalise (LA), Richmond (LA), Graves, Garret (LA)Bi-PartisanLate Increases and decreases by $1 million from the NASA Exploration account to highlight the importance of addressing the facilities and maintenance backlog on NASA facilities that have a direct manufacturing responsibility related to the SLS/Orion mission.Made in Order
158Version 1Norton (DC)DemocratLate Withdrawn Prohibits the Department of Justice from interfering with state cannabis programs. The term “state” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico.Withdrawn
159Version 2Beyer (VA)DemocratLate Revised Increases and decreases by $20 million funding for Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate 3 into ultra efficient flight, including electric flight.Made in Order

Division B – Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Agencies

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 3Pence (IN), Bost (IL)RepublicanRevised Increases funding for the rural broadband Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant Program by $25,000,000, offset by an equal decrease in the Office of the Chief Information Officer fund. Made in Order
2Version 2Balderson (OH), Chabot (OH), Crow (CO)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding for the rural broadband reConnect program by $50 million, to be offset by an equal decrease in the Department of Agriculture’s buildings and facilities funding.Revised
3Version 1Banks (IN)RepublicanReduces spending for each amount in Division B by 14 percent.Made in Order
4Version 1Plaskett (VI), Gabbard (HI)DemocratProvides for funding of the micro-grants for food security program at the authorized level of $10 million. Made in Order
5Version 1Biggs (AZ)RepublicanPrevents funds from being used to finalize, implement, or enforce the draft guidance issued by the Food and Drug Administration in December of 2017 titled “Drug Products Labeled as Homeopathic: Guidance for FDA Staff and Industry.”Made in Order
6Version 1Cicilline (RI)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits funds from being used to disburse ‘‘harvest boxes’’ to recipients of supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits.Withdrawn
7Version 1Tipton (CO), Gosar (AZ)RepublicanDesignates $90 million for broadband infrastructure buildout to areas that do not currently have access to broadband services. This $90 million would be pulled from the $690 million made available for rural telecommunications loans under RUS. Submitted
8Version 1Hern (OK), Grothman (WI), Gosar (AZ)RepublicanEnsures that no funding from this bill may be used to provide resources to aliens unlawfully present in the United States.Submitted
9Version 1Hern (OK), Grothman (WI)RepublicanWithdrawn Ensures that no funds from this bill may be used to contravene the current work and time requirements placed on SNAP recipients.Withdrawn
10Version 1Golden (ME)DemocratEnsures more underserved rural communities are eligible for the new broadband loan and grant pilot program, rather than only communities that are completely unserved with broadband services. Submitted
11Version 2Waters (CA)DemocratWithdrawn Reduces funding for the USDA Office of the Inspector General by $1 million and increase it by the same amount. The purpose of the amendment is to raise concerns about the USDA program to assist farmers who have been adversely impacted by retaliatory trade tariffs imposed by foreign nations and to require the Inspector General to do a report on how USDA structured and implemented this program, whether the payments disbursed under the program actually benefitted the farmers for whom they were intended, and whether there was waste, fraud and abuse in the program. Withdrawn
12Version 2McNerney (CA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases by $100,000 for FDA to undertake a process to make lawful a safe level for conventional foods and dietary supplements containing Cannabidiol (CBD) so long as the products are compliant with all other FDA rules and regulations. Made in Order
13Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanRestricts funds until the Secretary of Agriculture can certify before Congress that all persons currently receiving benefits under this Act have presented a verified driver’s license or an identification card issued by a State to the Department of Agriculture or appropriate State agency. Submitted
14Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanWithdrawn Restricts funds made available in this bill until the Secretary of Agriculture can certify in testimony before Congress that all persons currently receiving benefits under the Act or applying to receive benefits under the Act have submitted to a drug test, administered by the Department or a State agency resulting in verified negative results.Withdrawn
15Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanReduces funds made available to division B by 3.7 percent. Made in Order
16Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratIncreases funding by $2,000,000 for the USDA agency that provides grant research funding for “1890s Land Grant Universities,” which are 28 Historically Black Colleges and Universities.Made in Order
17Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratClarifies that nothing in the bill restricts the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture or any federal agency head from providing assistance and benefits to victims of trafficking as permitted by 22 U.S.C. §7105(b) of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (114 Stat. 1464, Pub. Law 106-386).Submitted
18Version 2Brindisi (NY)DemocratRevised Ensures that USDA ReConnect grants and loans meet the minimum federal standard for broadband speed.Revised
19Version 1Sablan (MP), Gabbard (HI)DemocratIncreases and decreases reserve funding in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program by $10,000,000 to allow the Food and Nutrition Service to maintain the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Nutritional Assistance Program at FY19 eligibility and benefit standards.Made in Order
20Version 1Sablan (MP), Gabbard (HI)DemocratEnsures reserve funds in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program maintain the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Nutritional Assistance Program at FY19 eligibility and benefit standards.Submitted
21Version 1Steil (WI), Duffy (WI), Gallagher (WI)RepublicanIncreases and decreased by $1,500,000 to express the Congressional intent that the Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives should be funded at that level.Made in Order
22Version 2Perry (PA)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds for marketing assistance loans for raw cane sugar or refined beet sugar. Revised
23Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds to establish an overall allotment quantity for sugar. Submitted
24Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds to purchase sugar to sell pursuant to the feedstock flexibility program. Submitted
25Version 1Bera (CA)DemocratIncreases and decreases the Child Nutrition Programs account by $2,000,000 to support funding for School Breakfast Expansion Grants that help increase participation through programs such as Breakfast after the Bell. Made in Order
26Version 1Finkenauer (IA)DemocratProhibits funds for Rural e-Connectivity Pilot Program (ReConnect Program) grants and loans for projects that do not consider affordability in the definition of "sufficient access" to broadband, ensuring the loans will provide affordable access to broadband for rural communities.Submitted
27Version 1Cohen (TN), Raskin (MD)DemocratProhibits the use of funds to enter into any new contract, grant, or cooperative agreement with any Trump related business listed in the President Trump’s Annual Financial Disclosure Report submitted to the Office of Government Ethics as well as certain Trump related properties listed on the Trump Organization’s website. The specific properties are listed in the amendment.Submitted
28Version 3Dunn (FL), Luetkemeyer (MO), Marshall (KS), Hartzler (MO), Riggleman (VA), LaMalfa (CA), Rouzer (NC), Pence (IN), Cleaver (MO), Graves, Sam (MO), Crawford (AR), Baird (IN), Yoho (FL), Davids (KS)Bi-PartisanRevised Strikes the provisions in the bill that prohibit USDA’s planned relocation of the Economic Research Service (ERS) and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) outside the D.C. region. Revised
29Version 3González-Colón, Jenniffer (PR), Radewagen (AS), Plaskett (VI), Gabbard (HI)Bi-PartisanRevised Provides $1.996 million to carry out the Reimbursement Transportation Cost Payment Program (RTCP) for Geographically Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers, which reimburses producers in the non-contiguous states and territories for a portion of the cost to transport agricultural commodities or inputs used to produce an agricultural commodity that is offset by a corresponding reduction in the Office of Communications.Made in Order
30Version 1Moore (WI)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits implementation of proposed USDA rule entitled "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Requirements for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents" that would make it harder for those experiencing hunger and hardship, including some veterans. Withdrawn
31Version 1Cox (CA)DemocratStrikes "1980, 1990", and insert "1990" to expand the time range for 10-20-30 funding, a formula to fight persistent poverty. Made in Order
32Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanWithdrawn Prohibits funds to be made available in this bill until the Secretary of Agriculture can certify in testimony before Congress that all persons currently receiving benefits under the Act have worked 20 or more hours per week, participated in and complied with requirements of a work program as determined by the state agency, or complied with the requirements of a program under section 20 of the Act.”Withdrawn
33Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanDecreases and increases funds by $5,000,000 to support the research and development of an African Swine Fever vaccine at the Agricultural Research Service.Made in Order
34Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanProhibits funds to the Department of Agriculture from being used by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture or the Economic Research Service to sign or renew a lease within the National Capital Region. Submitted
35Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanStrikes language that would prevent the Department of Agriculture from finalizing, issuing, or implementing the proposed rule entitled “Modernization of Swine Slaughter Inspection."Submitted
36Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanWithdrawn Strikes language that would prevent funds from being used to relocate the National Institute of Food and Agriculture outside the National Capital Region. Withdrawn
37Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanWithdrawn Strikes language that would prevent funds from being used to relocate the National Institute of Food and Agriculture outside the National Capital Region.Withdrawn
38Version 1Thompson, Glenn (PA)RepublicanProhibits funds from being used by the USDA’s Animal and Plant Inspection Service (APHIS) for the purpose of sharpshooting or targeting hunting for herd culling or population reduction activities related to Chronic Wasting Disease.Submitted
39Version 4Spanberger (VA), Welch (VT), Kind (WI), Axne (IA), Scott, Bobby (VA), Pappas (NH), Craig (MN), Lee, Susie (NV), Golden (ME), Van Drew (NJ), Cleaver (MO), Riggleman (VA), Finkenauer (IA)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding for USDA’s Rural E-Connectivity (ReConnect) program, which makes loans and grants for broadband deployment in rural communities by $55 million. Offsets are split between Departmental Administration ($12.5 million), the Office of the CIO ($12.5 million), and the Office of the General Counsel ($30 million).Made in Order
40Version 1DeFazio (OR), Gaetz (FL)Bi-PartisanNo funds may be used for the deployment or use of M-44 or Compound 1080 lethal animal control devices. Both devices contain poisons that can be fatal to animals or humans.Submitted
41Version 2Vargas (CA)DemocratRevised Prohibits any funds from being used to bar or limit DACA recipients from receiving mortgage loans backed by USDA, solely on the basis of their status as DACA recipients. Revised
42Version 1Panetta (CA), Newhouse (WA)Bi-PartisanAdds and removes $1 from the Office of the Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics for the purpose of instructing the REE Office to finalize a review, as required by the FY19 Farm Bill (Public Law 115-334), of the programs of the Department of Agriculture that may be more effectively used to accelerate the development and use of automation or mechanization in the production or processing of specialty crops.Made in Order
43Version 5Trone (MD), Riggleman (VA)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding for Community Connect Grants by $5 million to expand broadband deployment into rural communities that are underserved by private sector investment.Made in Order
44Version 2Trone (MD), Riggleman (VA)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding for Rural Health and Safety Education Program by $1 million to combat the opioid epidemic in rural communities. Made in Order
45Version 1Joyce, John (PA)RepublicanIncreases and decreases account by $15,000,000 to support a study on preventing the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease. Made in Order
46Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanWithdrawn None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to award a contract for services to train any employee of an Executive agency to learn how to support or defeat legislation pending before Congress.Withdrawn
47Version 1Davis, Rodney (IL), Panetta (CA), DelBene (WA), Gabbard (HI), Yoho (FL), Cox (CA), Carbajal (CA), Larsen, Rick (WA), Marshall (KS), Van Drew (NJ), DeFazio (OR), Bost (IL), Guest (MS), Kinzinger (IL), Loebsack (IA)Bi-Partisanr the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. Made in Order
48Version 1Neguse (CO), King, Peter (NY), Fitzpatrick (PA), Marshall (KS), McAdams (UT), Dean (PA), Cohen (TN), Estes (KS)Bi-PartisanTransfers $1 million in funding to the USDA Office of the Inspector General for expenses necessary for the enforcement of anti-animal fighting statutes (7 U.S.C. § 2156 and 18 U.S.C. § 49).Made in Order
49Version 1Underwood (IL)DemocratPrevents funds from being used to remove existing information about climate change from official publications.Made in Order
50Version 3Craig (MN), Spanberger (VA)DemocratRevised Increases by $353,000 the Rural Energy for American Program to spur rural renewable energy investment.Made in Order
51Version 1Craig (MN)DemocratStrikes and adds $1,000,000 to express the importance of broadband access to rural communities, schools, and small businesses. Made in Order
52Version 3Welch (VT)DemocratRevised Increases funding for Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives by $10 million. Reduces funding for USDA Office of the Chief Information Officer by a corresponding amount. Made in Order
53Version 2Welch (VT)DemocratRevised Increases funding for the Acer Access Program by $1 million. Reduces funding from USDA Agriculture Marketing Services by a corresponding amount. Made in Order
54Version 1Plaskett (VI)DemocratProvides for inclusion of the insular territories of the United States within the meaning of the term “persistent poverty counties”. Made in Order
55Version 3Langevin (RI)DemocratRevised Increases funding for the FDA's Transform Medical Device Safety, Cybersecurity, Review, and Innovation initiative in order to increase the FDA's capacity to protect consumers from cyber threats both pre- and post-market.Revised
56Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanWithdrawn Prohibits the use of funds for preparing or proposing additional mandates concerning mandatory country of origin labeling.Withdrawn
57Version 3Cuellar (TX), Hurd (TX)Bi-PartisanRevised Addresses the inadequacies with the 2018 Market Facilitation Program (MFP) by helping qualified producers who lost their crop due to a disaster and did not receive the full benefit of the MFP program or any benefit at all.Revised
58Version 2Wittman (VA), Butterfield (NC), Pence (IN), O'Halleran (AZ)Bi-PartisanRevised Prohibits funds being made available, from preventing the sharing of broadband mapping data and information within USDA, with any other federal agency or with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).Revised
59Version 1Blunt Rochester (DE)DemocratWithdrawn Increases and decreases by $1,000,000 the Office on Violence Against Women Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs to prioritize the importance of these funds for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault.Withdrawn
60Version 1Ocasio-Cortez (NY)DemocratStrikes language on fossil fueled electricity and replaces it with new language to provide robust funding opportunities through the Rural Electrification Loans Program Account for climate mitigation, climate jobs, and to usher in the rapid transition to clean and renewable energy.Submitted
61Version 1Ocasio-Cortez (NY)DemocratStrikes [“Provided, That up to $2,000,000,000 shall be used for the construction, acquisition, design and engineering or improvement of fossil fueled electric generating plants (whether new or existing) that utilize carbon subsurface utilization and storage systems.”]Made in Order
62Version 1Axne (IA), Deutch (FL)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $1 funds to support the Economic Research Service submit a report to Congress on the impacts of tariffs on U.S. soybean farmers in light of Russian efforts to expand agricultural exports to China. Made in Order
63Version 2Adams (NC), Lee, Barbara (CA), Espaillat (NY), Carson (IN), Omar (MN), Maloney, Sean (NY), Moore (WI), Rush (IL), Tlaib (MI), Haaland (NM), Scott, David (GA), Lieu (CA)DemocratRevised Increases funding by $1 million for the new Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production at the Department of Agriculture to bring the Office closer to its authorized level of $25 million.Revised
64Version 3Lee, Susie (NV)DemocratRevised Provides an additional $500,000 to Team Nutrition of the Child Nutrition Programs Account to encourage peer to peer learning among school nutrition staff to create healthy school environments. Makes a corresponding reduction in the Departmental Administration sub-account of the Office of the Secretary.Made in Order
65Version 1Foxx (NC), Hern (OK), McKinley (WV), Grothman (WI), Budd (NC), King, Steve (IA), Loudermilk (GA), Gaetz (FL), Smucker (PA), Lesko (AZ), Watkins (KS), Guest (MS), Roe (TN), Holding (NC)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds from being used to delay the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s proposed rule, “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Requirements for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents.”Submitted
66Version 2Pressley (MA), Lamb (PA), Tlaib (MI)DemocratRevised Increases by $1,000,000 funding for the Farm-to-School Grant Program.Made in Order
67Version 1Sewell (AL)DemocratLate Adds and removes funding from the Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program Account within USDA’s Rural Utilities Service to prioritize the ongoing efforts to address inadequate wastewater infrastructure in rural and unincorporated communities, specifically those where families or individuals have straight-pipe septic systems or failing decentralized sewage treatment systems. Made in Order
68Version 1Maloney, Sean (NY)DemocratLate Decreases funding for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture by $5 million and increases the funding for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture to increase funding for the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program.Made in Order
69Version 1Veasey (TX), Kind (WI), Gosar (AZ), Abraham (LA)Bi-PartisanLate Increases and decreases funding by $12,000,000 for Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) distributed to states for the purposes of combating Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). Made in Order
70Version 1Lujan (NM)DemocratLate Allows the Secretary of Agriculture and Secretary of the Interior to provide for traditional uses by Land Grant-Merced communities when developing, maintaining, and revising land management plans as appropriate and in accordance with applicable law.Submitted
71Version 3Waters (CA)DemocratLate Revised Increases funding by $5 million for grants to local educational agencies and schools to purchase the equipment needed to serve healthier school meals, improve food safety, and expand the school breakfast program. The amendment cuts $2.5 million from the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and $2.5 million from the Food and Nutrition Service administrative expense account.Revised
72Version 1Craig (MN)DemocratLate Strikes and adds $1,000,000 to express the importance of broadband access to rural communities, schools, and small businesses.Submitted
73Version 2Scott, Austin (GA)RepublicanLate Revised Provides funds to implement new broadband program requirements from the 2018 Farm Bill. It will improve USDA’s ability to identify eligible rural communities without broadband service and ineligible areas with broadband service, as well as provide Congress and the public with annual reports of all retail broadband projects financed by USDA. Revised
74Version 1Slotkin (MI)DemocratLate Increases and decreases the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) program by $10 million to fund this critically important program that provides vital mental health resources for farmers and ranchers.Made in Order
75Version 1Young (AK)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Prohibits the use of funds to designate new Wilderness areas in Northwestern California National Forests.Withdrawn
76Version 1Lamb (PA)DemocratLate Provides an additional $200,000 for school nutrition programs and directs those resources to Technical Assistance for the Farm-to-School program.Made in Order

Division C – Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 1Biggs (AZ), Gosar (AZ)RepublicanReduces the land acquisition accounts for the Bureau of Land Management by $33,800,000, the Fish and Wildlife Service by $57,850,000, the National Park Service by $203,600,000, and the Forest Service by $90,000,000 to meet the Trump administration’s fiscal year 2020 budget request to Congress. Submitted
2Version 2Van Drew (NJ), Rutherford (FL), Wasserman Schultz (FL), Smith, Christopher (NJ), Shalala (FL), Cunningham (SC), Golden (ME), Pallone (NJ), King, Peter (NY), Luria (VA), Crist (FL), Zeldin (NY), Huffman (CA)Bi-PartisanRevised Prohibits the Department of Interior from using funds to issue seismic airgun testing permits in the Atlantic Ocean.Revised
3Version 1O'Halleran (AZ)DemocratIncreases by $7 million and decreases by $7 million funding for Indian Health Service Facilities, to highlight the importance of completing the Hopi Arsenic Mitigation Project, to provide safe drinking water to the Hopi.Made in Order
4Version 1O'Halleran (AZ)DemocratIncreases by $1 million and decreases by $1 million funding for CFLRP, to highlight the importance of CFLRP to forest restoration, wildfire risk reduction, and rural economic development.Made in Order
5Version 4Moore (WI)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $5 million to express support for increased funding for the lead reduction projects grant program which helps low-income homeowners replace lead pipes.Made in Order
6Version 1Banks (IN)RepublicanReduces spending for each amount available in Division C by 14 percent.Made in Order
7Version 2Ruiz (CA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $2 million from the State and Private Forestry account for the purposes of highlighting Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants. Made in Order
8Version 1Moore (WI)DemocratIncreases funding by $1 million for the Indian Health Services Domestic Violence Prevention Program to allow for additional grants and decreases $1 million from the Office of the Secretary Departmental Operations account. Made in Order
9Version 2Perry (PA), Joyce, John (PA)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds for the EPA to take any backstop actions against States in the Chesapeake Bay Program in the event a State does not meet the goals mandated by the EPA's Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load.Revised
10Version 2Tipton (CO), LaMalfa (CA), Lamborn (CO), Duncan (SC)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the Department of the Interior and U.S. Forest Service from requiring the uncompensated taking of privately-held water rights as a condition of permit.Revised
11Version 1Posey (FL)RepublicanStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used in contravention of Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.101(a) to procure aviation helmets.Submitted
12Version 1Duncan (SC), Gosar (AZ), Joyce, John (PA), Gaetz (FL), Cloud (TX), Lesko (AZ)RepublicanStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to enforce the final Clean Power Plan rules entitled, “Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units”; and “Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New Modified, and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units".Made in Order
13Version 1DeGette (CO), Porter (CA)DemocratRemoves and adds $3,000,000 from the Environmental Programs and Management fund to instruct EPA to advance environmental justice by implementing environmental enforcement strategies in 100 communities overburdened by serious environmental non-compliance problems and instruct EPA to research the cumulative risks posed by multiple sources of pollution, and to incorporate this information into EPA health assessments.Made in Order
14Version 1Hern (OK)RepublicanStates that none of the funds from this Act may be used to collect revenues from any form of a carbon tax.Submitted
15Version 1Hern (OK)RepublicanStates that none of the funds from this Act may be used to administer the electric vehicle tax credit, as authorized by section 30D of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.Submitted
16Version 2Hudson (NC)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases the Capital Maintenance and Improvement account to highlight the need for improvements to roads within the Uwharrie National Forest.Made in Order
17Version 1Biggs (AZ)RepublicanStates that none of the funds made available by this Act can be used for the Integrated Risk Information System of the Environmental Protection Agency.Made in Order
18Version 1Cunningham (SC), Rooney (FL), Rutherford (FL), Fitzpatrick (PA), Mast (FL), Huffman (CA), McEachin (VA), Lowenthal (CA), Blumenauer (OR), Wasserman Schultz (FL), Van Drew (NJ), Beyer (VA), Pappas (NH), Soto (FL), Pallone (NJ), Crist (FL), Clyburn (SC)Bi-PartisanStates that none of the funds in this Act can be used by BOEM to issue permits for oil and gas exploration, including for seismic airgun blasting, in the Atlantic.Made in Order
19Version 2Cunningham (SC), Torres Small, Xochitl (NM), Neguse (CO)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $5,000,000 to prioritize the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Made in Order
20Version 1Lowenthal (CA)DemocratStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to issue a proposed or final rule to replace the Consolidated Federal Oil & Gas and Federal & Indian Coal Valuation Reform final rule.Made in Order
21Version 1Lowenthal (CA)DemocratStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to propose a lease sale under the Mineral Leasing Act that has a protest period of less than 30 days.Submitted
22Version 1Lowenthal (CA)DemocratStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to add or propose to add mining to the list of sectors covered under the FAST Act.Submitted
23Version 1Luetkemeyer (MO)RepublicanStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to enforce a restriction against the taking of black vultures by livestock farmers during calving season.Submitted
24Version 1Levin, Andy (MI)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding by $10 million to support Sewer Overflow Control Grants and prioritize improvements to the Chapaton Retention Basin, a Macomb County, Michigan combined sewer overflow facility, and other projects that protect the Great Lakes and freshwater sources.Made in Order
25Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratIncreases funding for Historic Preservation Fund grants to Historically Black Colleges and Universities by $2,000,000 and decreases funding for the BLM Management of Lands and Resources account by $2,500,000. Submitted
26Version 2Carbajal (CA), Cisneros (CA), Rouda (CA), Hill, Katie (CA), Huffman (CA), Porter (CA), Kilmer (WA), Levin, Mike (CA)DemocratRevised States that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used on offshore oil and gas leasing off the Washington/Oregon, Northern California, Central California, and Southern California Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Planning Areas for FY2020. Made in Order
27Version 2Carbajal (CA)DemocratRevised States that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to process any application under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) for a permit to drill or a permit to modify, that would authorize use of hydraulic fracturing or acid well stimulation treatment in the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf. Revised
28Version 2Jeffries (NY)DemocratRevised States that none of the funds made available by this Act to the National Park Service may be used to increase the sales of plastic bottles.Made in Order
29Version 1Cloud (TX)RepublicanStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used for the publication of a report that assesses a border wall’s impact on wildlife.Submitted
30Version 2Young (AK)RepublicanRevised States that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used for the EPA’s rule on emissions form small remote incinerators in Alaska. Made in Order
31Version 2Bonamici (OR), Tonko (NY), Sherrill (NJ), Fletcher (TX)DemocratRevised Increases funding for the EPA Science Advisory Board by $500,000, and decreases funding for the EPA Executive Management and Operations program by $500,000 to support the SAB review of the Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science proposed rule.Made in Order
32Version 2Casten (IL)DemocratRevised Prohibits the United States Geological Survey from using funds to limit the use of climate modeling tools.Made in Order
33Version 1Schweikert (AZ)RepublicanIncreases funding in the Environmental Programs and Management account by $1 million for Air Quality Management and decreases funding in the Department of Interior Office of the Secretary account by $1 million.Made in Order
34Version 1Hern (OK)RepublicanEnsures that no funds from this bill may be used to impose restrictions on hydraulic fracturing practices.Submitted
35Version 1Hern (OK)RepublicanEnsures that no funds from this bill may be used to restrict the development and operations of oil and gas pipelines.Submitted
36Version 1Hern (OK)RepublicanEnsures that none of the funds made available by this Act for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Indian Education, or the Indian Health Service may be used expressly for green infrastructure as directed by House Report 116-100. Submitted
37Version 1Lesko (AZ)RepublicanPrevents funds from being used to treat the Mexican wolf as an endangered or threatened species.Submitted
38Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanReduces funds made available to division C by 2.8 percent. Submitted
39Version 1Mullin (OK), Duncan (SC)RepublicanProhibits funds from being used to enforce the Obama Administration's Methane Rule, entitled “Oil and Natural Gas Sector: Emission Standards for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources.”Made in Order
40Version 1Mullin (OK), Kelly, Mike (PA), Duncan (SC)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds to prepare, propose, or promulgate any regulation or guidance that references or relies on analysis of the cost of social carbon under certain Technical Support Documents published by the Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Carbon.Made in Order
41Version 2Garamendi (CA), Kildee (MI), Cox (CA)DemocratRevised Prohibits funds appropriated to carry out the Safe Drinking Water Act and related laws from being used to increase salaries for political appointees in the USEPA Office of the Administrator. Such funds would continue to remain available to hire actual subject matter experts as needed on an expedited basis, as permitted under current law.Revised
42Version 1Curtis (UT), Bishop, Rob (UT), Stewart (UT)RepublicanPrevents funds from being used to implement any new unilateral national monument designations under the Antiquities Act in the State of Utah.Submitted
43Version 2McEachin (VA), Huffman (CA)DemocratRevised Withholds funds for the Department of the Interior’s Executive Resources Board unless it is comprised of fifty percent career Senior Executive Service members. Made in Order
44Version 2Brownley (CA), Cisneros (CA)DemocratRevised Increases funding for the Wildland fire management account by $1 million, with the intent it be spent on the Joint Fire Science program, offset with a reduction of $1 million from the Office of the Secretary of Interior’s administrative account.Made in Order
45Version 1Cheney (WY), Gianforte (MT)RepublicanProhibits funds from this Act to be used to list the grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Area under the Endangered Species Act.Submitted
46Version 1Burgess (TX)RepublicanPlaces a funding limitation on the EPA's ability to utilize the Title 42 special pay authority.Made in Order
47Version 1Norman (SC), Duncan (SC), Luetkemeyer (MO), Kelly, Mike (PA), Tipton (CO), Burchett (TN), LaMalfa (CA), Gosar (AZ), Fulcher (ID), Woodall (GA), McMorris Rodgers (WA), Hern (OK), Weber (TX), Biggs (AZ), Gaetz (FL), Gianforte (MT), Stauber (MN), Olson (TX), Crawford (AR), Perry (PA), Loudermilk (GA), Flores (TX), Lamborn (CO), Lesko (AZ), Abraham (LA), Harris (MD), Williams (TX), Marshall (KS), Burgess (TX), Newhouse (WA), Mullin (OK), Joyce, John (PA), Collins, Chris (NY), Scalise (LA), Grothman (WI)RepublicanBars funding from being used to implement the EPA's Waters of the United States (WOTUS) ruling of 2015.Submitted
48Version 1Walden (OR), DeFazio (OR), Schrader (OR)Bi-PartisanStrikes a rider that reduces timber receipts to Oregon and California Land counties from the statutory mandated percentage.Submitted
49Version 1Dunn (FL)RepublicanProhibits funds from being used to enforce the listing of the Panama City Crayfish under the Endangered Species Act.Submitted
50Version 2Buchanan (FL), Huffman (CA), Blumenauer (OR), Lieu (CA)Bi-PartisanRevised Prevents funds from being used by USFWS to issue permits for the importation of elephant or lion trophies from Zimbabwe, Zambia or Tanzania.Made in Order
51Version 1Buchanan (FL), Hastings (FL), Bilirakis (FL), Castor (FL), Gaetz (FL), Soto (FL), Posey (FL), Shalala (FL), Mucarsel-Powell (FL), Webster (FL), Rutherford (FL), Deutch (FL), Mast (FL)Bi-PartisanPrevents funds from being used to conduct oil and gas lease sales, preleasing activities or seismic airgun testing off the coasts of Florida.Submitted
52Version 1Speier (CA)DemocratIncreases and decreases the Environmental Programs and Management account by $2 million for the purpose of instructing the Environmental Protection Agency to deny certain petitions for new expanded uses of medically important antibiotics as agricultural pesticides and to prioritize the human health risks of antimicrobial resistance when making decisions on pesticidal use of antibiotics.Submitted
53Version 2O'Halleran (AZ)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $1 million in the EPA's Superfund Account to highlight the need to increase EPA staffing to meaningfully address over 500 abandoned uranium mines on and near the Navajo Nation.Made in Order
54Version 1Allen (GA)RepublicanReduces spending in Division C by 1 percent.Submitted
55Version 1Cohen (TN), Raskin (MD)DemocratProhibits the use of funds to enter into any new contract, grant, or cooperative agreement with any Trump related business listed in the President Trump’s Annual Financial Disclosure Report submitted to the Office of Government Ethics as well as certain Trump related properties listed on the Trump Organization’s website. The specific properties are listed in the amendment.Submitted
56Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds for EPA to implement or enforce the E-15 rule, , entitled “Modifications to Fuel Regulations To Provide Flexibility for E15; Modifications to RFS RIN Market Regulations.”Submitted
57Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanProhibits the EPA from using funds to give formal notification under, or prepare, propose, implement, administer, or enforce any rule or recommendation pursuant to, section 115 of the Clean Air Act. Submitted
58Version 1Stevens (MI), Schrier (WA)DemocratAdds and removes $2,000,000 from the Environmental Programs and Management account for the purpose of instructing the Environmental Protection Agency to prioritize funding to develop a national recycling strategy to ensure the long-term economic and environmental viability of local recycling programs. Made in Order
59Version 1Jeffries (NY), Cunningham (SC)DemocratProhibits funds made available to the National Park Service to be used for the purchase or display of a confederate flag with the exception of specific circumstances where the flags provide historical context.Made in Order
60Version 1Golden (ME)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits the use of funds to be used to enforce a Potential Biological Removal (PBR) level of 0.9 for the North Atlantic right whale, to ensure that New England lobstermen are not adversely impacted by NOAA's proposed Risk Reduction Decision Support Tool that has yet to be peer reviewed. Withdrawn
61Version 1McAdams (UT)DemocratIncreases and decreases the Wildland Fire Management account by $1 for the purposes of recognizing the important needs of rural counties to be able to properly rehabilitate and remediate burned areas after severe wildfire burn, to ensure our rural communities are prepared for wildfires. Made in Order
62Version 1Schrier (WA), Castor (FL), Schakowsky (IL), Barragán (CA), Doyle (PA), Cox (CA)DemocratProhibits funds to be used for undermining the EPA Mercury and Air Toxics Standard (MATS), which has been implemented by the power sector and has protected children and communities from mercury, lead, arsenic and other air toxics from power plants. The MATS standard prevents up to 11,000 fatalities and 130,000 asthma attacks each year.Made in Order
63Version 1Brown (MD)DemocratProhibits funds from being used to transfer the Baltimore-Washington Parkway to the State of Maryland.Submitted
64Version 1Blumenauer (OR), Gallego (AZ)DemocratPrevents any funds in this bill from being used to plan, design, study, or construct, for the purpose of harvesting timber by private entities or individuals, a forest development road in the Tongass National Forest.Made in Order
65Version 1Grijalva (AZ)Democratrtment of the Interior from transferring jurisdictions of National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, and other public lands along the border pursuant to President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to build a wall along the southern border in contravention of Congress.Made in Order
66Version 1Grijalva (AZ), Haaland (NM), Lowenthal (CA)DemocratStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to implement Executive Order 13817, which treats uranium as a critical mineral for the purposes of expedited permitting under the administration’s critical mineral strategy.Made in Order
67Version 2Fulcher (ID)RepublicanRevised Increases the Forest Service's Grazing Management Account by $1.65 million to bring the account in line with the President's budget request, offset by $2.1 million from the Office of Surface Mining, Regulation and Enforcement's Regulation and Technology Account.Revised
68Version 1Scott, Bobby (VA), Lee, Barbara (CA), Lewis (GA), Tlaib (MI)DemocratIncreases funding for the 400 Years of African-American History Commission in order for them to carry out their mandate. Made in Order
69Version 1Beyer (VA), Norton (DC)DemocratIncreases and decreases $5,000,000 from the Office of the Secretary account for the purpose of maintaining the Interior Department's body camera pilot program.Made in Order
70Version 1Stauber (MN), Emmer (MN), Gosar (AZ), Sensenbrenner (WI), Duffy (WI), Grothman (WI), Cheney (WY), Hagedorn (MN)RepublicanStates that none of the funds made available by this Act can be used to treat the gray wolf as an endangered species or threatened species.Submitted
71Version 1Stauber (MN), Westerman (AR)RepublicanIncreases funding for the Forest Product Timber Sale program within the National Forest System by $6,024,000.Submitted
72Version 3Stauber (MN), Emmer (MN)RepublicanRevised Ensures no funding from this act may be used by the Bureau of Land Management to require a report not included in DOI-BLM-ES-030-20148-0002-EA. Revised
73Version 1Stauber (MN), Emmer (MN)RepublicanEnsures no funding from this act may be used to withdraw or replace Opinion M-37049.Submitted
74Version 2Khanna (CA)DemocratRevised Limits Drinking Water State Revolving Fund capitalization grants to publicly owned, operated and managed drinking water utilities or small private water systems serving fewer than 10,000 customers and which do not own another system.Revised
75Version 1Khanna (CA)DemocratClarifies that Drinking Water State Revolving Fund capitalization grants may be used for addressing contamination from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs).Submitted
76Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanWithdrawn States that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to award a contract for services to train any employee of an Executive agency to learn how to support or defeat legislation pending before Congress.Withdrawn
77Version 2Gosar (AZ)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding to list the Greater Sage Grouse as a threatened or endangered species.Revised
78Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to increase fees for tour overflights at Grand Canyon National Park.Submitted
79Version 2Gosar (AZ)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds for the EPA to carry out 404 permit preemptive vetoes before a project has even been proposed.Revised
80Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanProhibits funds for carrying out EPA’s Endangerment Finding.Made in Order
81Version 1Gosar (AZ), Abraham (LA)RepublicanIncreases and decreases by $1,720,000 for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) research in wild and captive populations of cervids. Made in Order
82Version 1Palmer (AL)RepublicanEnsures that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used for the Environmental Protection Agency's Criminal Enforcement Division.Submitted
83Version 1Vargas (CA), Levin, Mike (CA), Davis, Susan (CA), Peters (CA)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $10,000,000 in order to direct the Environmental Protection Agency to prioritize projects that will drastically reduce pollution flowing across the U.S.-Mexico border. Made in Order
84Version 2Smith, Jason (MO)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases the Environmental Program and Management account by $500,000 in order to direct EPA to produce reports on how much environmental measures have improved preceding enactment of USMCA.Made in Order
85Version 1Schneider (IL), Underwood (IL), Lipinski (IL), Casten (IL), Foster (IL), Quigley (IL)DemocratIncreases and decreases $25,000 in funding for the EPA’s Environmental Programs and Management account to support EPA public forums and outreach on ethylene oxide to communities identified in the National Air Toxic Assessment to face dangerous emissions levels of this known carcinogen.Made in Order
86Version 1Haaland (NM)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding by $35,000,000 in the Indian Health Service account to support urban Indian health. Made in Order
87Version 1Haaland (NM)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding by $176,000,000 in the Operation of Indian Programs account to support tribal courts and law enforcement. Made in Order
88Version 1Pallone (NJ), Payne, Jr. (NJ), Golden (ME), Van Drew (NJ), Kim (NJ), Cunningham (SC), King, Peter (NY), Rutherford (FL), Smith, Christopher (NJ), Cicilline (RI), Langevin (RI), Luria (VA), Pappas (NH), Rice, Tom (SC), Price (NC)Bi-PartisanEstablishes a Department of Interior moratorium on oil and gas drilling and related activities in the Atlantic, including the North Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, and the South Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Planning Areas. Made in Order
89Version 1Walberg (MI), Upton (MI), Huizenga (MI), Moolenaar (MI), Bergman (MI)RepublicanIncreases funding for EPA’s Science and Technology program by $2 million for research on Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and toxins resulting from harmful algal blooms and decreases funding for the Office of the Secretary by $2 million. Submitted
90Version 1Walberg (MI)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds to employ an individual registered on the sex offenders registry. Submitted
91Version 2Walberg (MI), Gaetz (FL), King, Steve (IA), Hudson (NC), Kelly, Mike (PA), Gianforte (MT), Marshall (KS)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds to regulate the lead content of ammunition, ammunition components, or fishing tackle under the Toxic Substances Control Act. Revised
92Version 3Kuster (NH), Tipton (CO)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases and decreases $1 million in the National Forest System account to highlight the National Avalanche Center which provides training and support to prevent snow avalanche casualties.Made in Order
93Version 1Cook (CA)RepublicanIncreases and decreases the Bureau of Land Management Management of Lands and Resources account by 1,265,097,000 to support the examination of national monuments.Submitted
94Version 1Van Drew (NJ), Graves, Garret (LA), Rouzer (NC)Bi-PartisanStates that none of the funds made available by this act may be used to implement the Department of Interior Solicitor’s opinion (FWS.CW.0380) issued in 1994, to advance life-saving coastal storm reduction and community resiliency projects at less cost to local and state taxpayers while also improving ecological productivity. Made in Order
95Version 1Wasserman Schultz (FL), Crist (FL), Frankel (FL), Castor (FL), Mucarsel-Powell (FL), Gaetz (FL), Diaz-Balart (FL), Hastings (FL), Shalala (FL), Deutch (FL), Wilson, Frederica (FL), Murphy (FL), Buchanan (FL), Mast (FL), Bilirakis (FL), Soto (FL), Lawson (FL), Rutherford (FL), Demings (FL), Spano (FL), Webster (FL), Rooney (FL), Posey (FL)Bi-PartisanProhibits any funds from being expended by the Department of the Interior to conduct oil and gas pre-leasing, leasing, and related activities in outer continental shelf planning areas around Florida.Made in Order
96Version 1Posey (FL)RepublicanStates none of the funds made available by this Act may be used by the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce a provision of a regulation when another agency has a preexisting parallel provision or definition that is different.Submitted
97Version 2McKinley (WV)RepublicanRevised Transfers $5 million from within the Forest Service funds to emphasize lack of wood harvesting.Revised
98Version 1McKinley (WV)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds to restrict hydraulic fracturing.Submitted
99Version 1Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanMakes any prohibition of funding for the Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program and Notice of Intent to Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Plan, contingent on a confirmation that a prohibition on funds will not result in an increase in fossil fuel imports.Submitted
100Version 1Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanStrikes section 117 of division C which prohibits funds for a new Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program and Notice of Intent to Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Plan.Made in Order
101Version 1Neguse (CO)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding by $5 million for the Land and Water Conservation Fund to safeguard critical habitats, water resources, cultural heritage, treasured landscapes, and to provide outdoor recreational opportunities.Submitted
102Version 1Plaskett (VI)DemocratProvides for inclusion of the insular territories of the United States within the meaning of the term “persistent poverty counties”. Made in Order
103Version 1Hice (GA)RepublicanStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to implement or enforce any rule or regulation related to “climate science” without the implementing agency consulting with the Presidential Commission on Climate Security. Submitted
104Version 2Beyer (VA)DemocratRevised Prohibits funds to eliminate the requirement that newly built coal power plants capture carbon dioxide emissions.Made in Order
105Version 1Beyer (VA)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits funds to propose, finalize, implement, or enforce any regulation pursuant to the advanced notice of proposed rule making entitled, “Increasing Consistency and Transparency in Considering Costs and Benefits in the Rule Making Process" under the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and other environmental statutes.Withdrawn
106Version 3Gallego (AZ)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits funds from being used to enforce the provision of the Presidential Proclamation ‘‘Modifying the Bears Ears National Monument’’ shrinking the boundaries of Bears Ears National Monument.Withdrawn
107Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanStates that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to conduct a report on the impact of border barrier construction on sensitive lands, habitat, and wildlife, potential mitigation efforts, or cost estimates of such efforts. Submitted
108Version 2Perry (PA)RepublicanRevised Bars funds going to enforce, implement, or administer a memorandum of understanding that unnecessarily restricts CBP border enforcement activities on federal lands.Revised
109Version 1Balderson (OH)RepublicanWithdrawn Removes the study of environmental impacts of sunscreen from the list of science and technology research priorities of the EPA.Withdrawn
110Version 1Green, Al (TX)DemocratIncreases EPA Science and Technology Account by $2 million and decreases it by the same amount to underscore the importance of EPA’s assessment of Chromium-6. Made in Order
111Version 1Kelly, Mike (PA)RepublicanProhibits funds for collecting revenues from any form of a carbon tax.Submitted
112Version 1Kelly, Mike (PA)RepublicanProhibits funds for restricting the development and operations of oil and gas pipelines.Submitted
113Version 1Lieu (CA)DemocratIncreases and decreases $200,000 to support the Wildlife Detector Dog Program in the Office of Law Enforcement at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.Made in Order
114Version 1Craig (MN)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding by $1,000,000 for the Clean Water Act Section 319 Non-Point Source Pollution Program that is designed to give local and state governments the flexibility to decrease water pollutants through community-based conservation projects. Made in Order
115Version 2Hill, French (AR)RepublicanRevised Transfers $2 million from the National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers account to the Forest Service roads program within the Capital Improvement and Maintenance Account.Revised
116Version 1Horsford (NV)DemocratIncreases and decreases the National Park Service Construction account by $1,000,000 in order to fund the construction of a Visitor’s Center at Tule Springs National Monument in Nevada.Made in Order
117Version 1Hice (GA)RepublicanDecreases each amount made available by this Act (other than an amount required to be made available by a provision of law) by 23.6 percent to match the President's budget request.Made in Order
118Version 3Tlaib (MI), Dingell (MI)DemocratRevised States that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used for the closure of EPA offices in regions that have designated Sulfur Dioxide (2010) Nonattainment Areas.Made in Order
119Version 1Tlaib (MI)DemocratWithdrawn States that none of the funds in this Act may be used for the closure of EPA offices that house an Emergency Response Branch or a Criminal Investigation Division. Withdrawn
120Version 2Matsui (CA), Long (MO)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases and decreases the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act program by $5 million.Made in Order
121Version 2Scanlon (PA)DemocratRevised Decreases and increases funding by $2 million from the Environmental Programs and Management fund for purposes of EPA enforcement authority over Clean Air Act regulations related to waste-to-energy incinerators.Made in Order
122Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds for preparing or proposing regulations concerning methane gas produced by bovine.Submitted
123Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanProvides for a one percent across the board cut to the discretionary spending levels in Division C of the bill. Submitted
124Version 2Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanRevised Prevents funds from being used to limit potential revenues for ecological restoration and disaster resiliency projects under the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act. Revised
125Version 2Lujan (NM)DemocratLate Revised Prevents any of the funds made available by this act to be used for further mineral development around the Chaco Culture National Historical Park on federal lands. This amendment does not affect the mineral rights of an Indian Tribe or member of an Indian Tribe to trust land or allotment land. Made in Order
126Version 1Lujan (NM)DemocratLate Increases and decreases $1,500,000 for the Rio Puerco Watershed Management Program, as authorized in S.47, the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act. The Rio Puerco Basin is the one of the largest tributaries in the Rio Grande Basin and this amendment would help restore and manage this critical watershed which currently deposits large amounts of damaging excess sediment to the Rio Grande system which results in alarming levels of erosion and flooding. Made in Order
127Version 1Duncan (SC), Kelly, Mike (PA), Gosar (AZ)RepublicanLate Prevents funds from being used in contravention of President Trump’s Executive Order 13868 (focused on promoting energy infrastructure and economic growth). Submitted
128Version 1Duncan (SC), Gosar (AZ)RepublicanLate Strikes section 107 from the bill that imposes inspection fees on offshore energy exploration and production facilities that are above the waterline, excluding rigs. Submitted
129Version 1Duncan (SC), Gosar (AZ)RepublicanLate Strikes section 117 from the bill that prevents funds for offshore energy pre-leasing, leasing and related activities. Submitted
130Version 1Duncan (SC), Young (AK), Gosar (AZ)RepublicanLate Strikes section 118 from the bill that prevents energy leases in ANWR.Made in Order
131Version 2Dingell (MI), Tlaib (MI)DemocratLate Revised Prohibits the use of funds in this bill to close or relocate any EPA office that houses emergency responders or a criminal investigation unit.Made in Order
132Version 3Young (AK)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds from being used to designate new wild and scenic rivers in National Parks in Northwestern California.Made in Order
133Version 3Velázquez (NY)DemocratLate Revised Prohibits any funds made available under this Act to the Environmental Protection Agency from being used to process a pesticide registration application for the pesticide chlorpyrifos. Revised
134Version 1LaMalfa (CA)RepublicanIncreases and decreases $10,000,000 from the Forest Service Recreation, Heritage and Wilderness account to the Forest Service Forest Products account to increase timber production on federal land.Made in Order
135Version 1LaMalfa (CA)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Prohibits funds from being used by the EPA to issue permits to discharge dredged or fill material.Withdrawn
136Version 1LaMalfa (CA)RepublicanLate Transfers $10,000,000 from the Forest Service International Forestry account to the Forest Service Hazardous Fuels account to prevent catastrophic wildfires and protect rural communitiesSubmitted
137Version 1Kustoff (TN), Comer (KY), Barr (KY), Guest (MS), Byrne (AL), Roe (TN), Rose, John (TN), Fleischmann (TN), Cooper (TN), Burchett (TN), Cohen (TN), Brooks, Mo (AL)Bi-PartisanLate Increases funding for the United States Fish and Wildlife Services Resource Management by $4,400,000 for controlling and eradicating Asian Carp in the Mississippi River and its tributaries. Submitted
138Version 2Burchett (TN)RepublicanLate Revised Decreases $15,000,000 from the Land and Water Conservation Fund and increases $15,000,000 for construction needs of the National Parks Services.Revised
139Version 1Sherrill (NJ)DemocratLate Increases and decreases $8,000,000 funding from the Science and Technology Account with the purpose of instructing the EPA to fund the Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers. These centers have made profound contributions to the scientific understanding on how exposures to chemicals and pollutants uniquely impact children and pregnant women.Made in Order
140Version 2Gosar (AZ)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits funds from being used to implement, administer or enforce a 8.6.18 Memo from NPS that sought to impose new requirements for road-based commercial tour operators throughout the National Park System.Revised
141Version 2Gosar (AZ)RepublicanLate Revised Reduces $4,700,000 from the Land Acquisition account and increases $3,000,000 to the National Fish Hatchery System Construction Account to help address the National Fish Hatchery maintenance backlog.Revised
142Version 1Van Drew (NJ)DemocratLate Exempts New Jersey from the Fish and Wildlife Service's revised Coastal Barrier Resources system maps, as proposed in 83 Federal register 10739, that prevent New Jersey's ability to provide effective coastal protection.Submitted
143Version 2Gallego (AZ)DemocratLate Withdrawn Seeks to prevent future National Monument reductions by stating that none of the funds in this Act may be used to conduct a review of National Monuments such as the one described in Executive Order 13792. Withdrawn
144Version 1Gallego (AZ)DemocratLate Withdrawn States that none of the funds in this Act may be used in contravention of Presidential Proclamation 9558 entitled, "Presidential Proclamation Modifying the Bears Ears National Monument" issued on December 4, 2017.Withdrawn
145Version 2Newhouse (WA), DeFazio (OR), Gianforte (MT), Schrader (OR), Schrier (WA), Bishop, Sanford (GA), O'Halleran (AZ), Bonamici (OR), Rogers, Harold (KY), McMorris Rodgers (WA)Bi-PartisanLate Revised Prohibits any funds in the bill from being used to either alter or terminate the Interagency Agreement between the U.S. Departments of Labor and Agriculture that governs the Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center (CCC) program, and prohibits any funds in the bill from being used to close any of the 25 CCCs that are currently operating.Made in Order
146Version 1Gibbs (OH)RepublicanLate Removes a permit requirement for spraying pesticides mandated by a 2009 6th Circuit court decision. Submitted
147Version 1Hill, Katie (CA)DemocratLate Increases DOI and Forest Service accounts for wildfire preparedness, wildfire suppression operations, emergency rehabilitation, and hazardous fuels management by $7 million, offset with a reduction in the increase to the Working Capital Fund.Made in Order
148Version 1McClintock (CA)RepublicanLate Transfers $12,053,000 from the Forest Service International Forestry account to the National Park Service to address the deferred maintenance backlog.Submitted
149Version 2Malinowski (NJ)DemocratLate Revised Increases funding for the Highlands Conservation Act Grants by $1,000,000. Revised
150Version 1Young (AK)RepublicanLate Bars the use of funds to designate new wilderness areas in National Forests in Northwestern California.Made in Order
151Version 3Casten (IL)DemocratLate Revised Increases and decreases funding for Geographic Programs by $1 for the purposes of maintaining the Great Lakes Advisory Board within the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Made in Order
152Version 1Rice, Tom (SC)RepublicanLate Prevents funds from being used to conduct seismic testing, exploration, oil and gas leasing, or related activities off the coast of South Carolina. Submitted
153Version 1Schneider (IL)DemocratLate Increases funding for the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board by $1,000,000, slightly less than 10%, to hire additional investigators and fund associated expenses in order to conduct additional investigations and expedite the conclusion of existing investigations. Decreases Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board funding by the same amount.Submitted

Division D – Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 1Cunningham (SC), Ratcliffe (TX)Bi-PartisanPrevents any military construction funding from being used towards a new Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) round. Made in Order
2Version 1Walberg (MI), Rutherford (FL)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds to implement, administer, or enforce proposed rules limiting veterans’ ability to access care from a prosthetist of their choice. Made in Order
3Version 1Ruiz (CA), Welch (VT)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding to VA Medical Services account by $1,000,000 to conduct educational outreach to veterans to enroll in the burn pits registry, additional research using the registry, and other activities concerning the maintenance of the registry. Made in Order
4Version 1Duncan (SC), Meadows (NC), Gosar (AZ), Joyce, John (PA), Gaetz (FL), McClintock (CA), Cloud (TX), Loudermilk (GA), Norman (SC)RepublicanStrips the language from the bill that prevents the Administration from using authority to transfer money to build the Southern Border Wall.Submitted
5Version 2Golden (ME), Fulcher (ID)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funds for the VA Medical Facilities account by $5 million.Made in Order
6Version 1McAdams (UT), Axne (IA), Stivers (OH), Barr (KY), Allred (TX), Gonzalez, Anthony (OH)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases by $1 with the intent to instructs the Department of Veterans Affairs submit to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate an implementation plan, including expected timeline and resource requirements, for the Department of Veterans Affairs to complete the requirements of Section 302 of Public Law 115-174. Made in Order
7Version 2Porter (CA), Kuster (NH), Adams (NC)DemocratRevised Increases funding by $2,000,000 for VA homeless assistance programs to combat Veteran homelessness.Made in Order
8Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanWithdrawn Reduces funds made available to division D by 8.2 percent. Made in Order
9Version 1Cloud (TX)RepublicanWithdrawn Transfers $5 million from the General Operating Expenses of the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) account and add it to the Veterans Electronic Health Record account. Withdrawn
10Version 1Cloud (TX)RepublicanTransfers $5 million from the General Operating Expenses of the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) account and add it to the Medical Facilities account. Submitted
11Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratWithdrawn Increases and decreases by $10,000,000 the National Infrastructure Investment account to support urban bicycle and pedestrian safety programs financed through the National Infrastructure Investments account.Withdrawn
12Version 2Allen (GA), Hice (GA)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases Military Construction, Army by $37,000,000 to fulfill the President’s budget request for construction of the Cyber Instructional Facility at Fort Gordon Made in Order
13Version 1DeSaulnier (CA)DemocratWithdrawn Ensures that no funds in this act may be used to withhold veteran disability benefits as a penalty for receiving military separation pay. Withdrawn
14Version 2Steil (WI)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases by $1,000,000 to express the Congressional intent that the VA suicide prevention and treatment programs should be adequately funded.Made in Order
15Version 1Pappas (NH)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $10 million to specify improvements to the environment of care for women veterans in VA facilities should be made. Made in Order
16Version 1Cohen (TN), Raskin (MD)DemocratProhibits the use of funds to enter into any new contract, grant, or cooperative agreement with any Trump related business listed in the President Trump’s Annual Financial Disclosure Report submitted to the Office of Government Ethics as well as certain Trump related properties listed on the Trump Organization’s website. The specific properties are listed in the amendment.Submitted
17Version 2Kim (NJ), Norcross (NJ)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases the Air Force account by $7,000,000 to address road safety issues at military bases. Made in Order
18Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratIncreases and decrease funding for the General Administration Fund at the VA by $1 million to address staffing shortages across the board at the VA. Made in Order
19Version 2Gottheimer (NJ), Rose, Max (NY)DemocratRevised Increases funding by $5 million for the Veterans Health Administration to hire more mental health professionals, the most-needed occupation according to the VA's Inspector General. Made in Order
20Version 1Smith, Christopher (NJ), Kim (NJ), Norcross (NJ)Bi-PartisanIncreases the Army Reserve military construction account by $5,700,000 for the improvement of training facilities to advance readiness. Submitted
21Version 1Brown (MD)DemocratProhibits funding to be used to by the agency to enforce any collective bargaining agreement with an effective date after April 30, 2019.Submitted
22Version 1Cunningham (SC)DemocratProhibits funds to future defense projects that do not conform with military resilience standards. Made in Order
23Version 2Barr (KY)RepublicanRevised Transfers $5,000,000 from the VHA’s Medical Community of Care Account to the VHA’s Medical Services account for the explicit use for the VA’s Adaptive Sports Grant (ASG) Program equine assisted therapy, given the promising results reported using equine assisted therapy for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.Made in Order
24Version 1Miller (WV), Hern (OK)RepublicanStrikes section 612 to allow the Administration to use funding from the appropriations bill for projects related to the construction of walls, barriers, fences, and roads at the southern border.Submitted
25Version 1Clarke, Yvette (NY)DemocratProhibits funds from being used to construct military facilities named after persons who served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. Submitted
26Version 1Meadows (NC)RepublicanTransfers funding for European Deterrence Initiative projects (also known as the European Reassurance Initiative) from Overseas Contingency Operations into the base budget.Submitted
27Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanWithdrawn None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to award a contract for services to train any employee of an Executive agency to learn how to support or defeat legislation pending before Congress.Withdrawn
28Version 2Connolly (VA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases VAOIG funding by $1,000,000 to encourage the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General to devote sufficient resources to oversight of the Washington DC VA Medical Center.Made in Order
29Version 2Raskin (MD)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $1,000,000 for Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps in order to support construction projects on military facilities and facilities that serve the military community where health and safety are at risk.Made in Order
30Version 3Houlahan (PA), Adams (NC), Luria (VA)DemocratRevised Increases the Veterans Health Administration Medical Services’ account by $1.7 million in order to increase the minimum amount that must spent on gender-specific care for women at the VA with an appropriate offset.Made in Order
31Version 1Bost (IL)RepublicanIncreases and decreases by $1,000,000 to emphasize the positive pro-bono legal services done by public university law schools to help veterans and their dependents in underserved areas. Made in Order
32Version 1Bost (IL), Lipinski (IL)Bi-PartisanNone of the funds in this bill can be used in contravention of the Executive Order titled "Strengthening Buy-American Preferences for Infrastructure Projects."Made in Order
33Version 2Blumenauer (OR)DemocratRevised Prohibits the Department of Veterans Affairs from interfering with a veteran’s participation in a state medical cannabis program, denying a veteran who participates in a state medical cannabis program from being denied VA services, and interfering with the ability of VA health care providers to recommend participation in state medical cannabis programs.Made in Order
34Version 1Jayapal (WA)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits funds to be used to undermine collective bargaining rights guaranteed to workers, nor to implement labor-specific Executive Orders where those Executive Orders were enjoined by a federal court.Withdrawn
35Version 2Jayapal (WA)DemocratRevised Prohibits the VA from denying services to labor organizations where those same benefits are provided to other entities.Revised
36Version 1Jayapal (WA)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits discrimination against veterans based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.Withdrawn
37Version 1Welch (VT)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding for the VA medical services account by $1 million for the purpose of encouraging the VA to collaborate with states on their efforts to conduct educational outreach and help veterans enroll in the burn pits registry.Made in Order
38Version 3Lynch (MA)DemocratRevised Increases funding for Medical Services by $1 million, with the intention of it being directed to Public-Private Partnerships to reduce veteran suicides. It will be offset by a reduction to the General Administration Account.Made in Order
39Version 3Hill, French (AR)RepublicanRevised Transfers $1.5 million from the General Administration account to programs within the Medical Services account, including homeless assistance programs and suicide prevention outreach.Made in Order
40Version 2Porter (CA), Gosar (AZ)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding by $1,000,000 for the Veterans Crisis Line. Made in Order
41Version 2Blunt Rochester (DE)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases by $1,000,000 the Veterans Health Administration medical services account for the purpose of expressing concern over uncompensated care for veterans under a certain service-connected disability rating at State veterans nursing homes. This includes uncompensated dental care for veterans without a 100% disability rating and pharmacy co-pay for veterans with less than a 70% rating.Made in Order
42Version 1Sewell (AL)DemocratAdds and subtracts funding from the Medical Community Care account to instruct the Veterans Health Administration to prioritize funding for the modernization of medical transportation programs for Veterans, particularly those who are rural, underserved or female. Made in Order
43Version 1Connolly (VA)DemocratLate Withdrawn Increases and decreases VAOIG funding by $1,000,000 to encourage the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General to devote sufficient resources to oversight of the Washington DC VA Medical Center.Withdrawn
44Version 2Carbajal (CA)DemocratLate Revised Increases and decreases funding by $5,000,000 to direct the Secretary to change the phone system to have local Community Based Outpatient Center answer calls rather than having all calls routed to the major VA Medical Centers in an effort to reduce wait times for veterans on the phone and to provide more timely health services.Made in Order
45Version 5Carbajal (CA)DemocratLate Revised Provides $3 million for the Veterans Transportation Program to assist veterans in attending to all their medical appointments in a timely manner.Made in Order
46Version 2Kim (NJ), Norcross (NJ)DemocratLate Revised Increases and decreases the Army Reserve account by $7,000,000 to address road safety issues at military bases. Made in Order
47Version 1Johnson, Mike (LA), Abraham (LA)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases funds by $1 to show Congressional intent for the Army to prioritize modernization funding for its Combat Development Centers (CDC) in order to properly prepare and equip the Army for training scenarios.Made in Order
48Version 1Johnson, Mike (LA), Abraham (LA)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases funds by $1 to show Congressional intent to ensure the Air Force continues to follow its revised plan for construction and upgrades to the Weapons Generation Facility enterprise and its critical function to the national security interests of the United States.Made in Order
49Version 1Dunn (FL), Stefanik (NY), LaMalfa (CA), Roby (AL), McKinley (WV), González-Colón, Jenniffer (PR), Mast (FL), Peters (CA), Scott, Austin (GA), Perry (PA), King, Peter (NY), Gabbard (HI)Bi-PartisanLate Provides $4,000,000 to carry out a one-year pilot program to provide access to magnetic EEG/EKG-guided resonance therapy to treat veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, military sexual trauma, chronic pain, or opiate addiction.Submitted
50Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanStrikes language that would prohibit funds from being used to build the Southern Border Wall.Submitted
51Version 1Rouzer (NC)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases the Veterans Benefits Administration by $1 million to direct the secretary to look into the effect of delayed payments of claims for emergency medical care furnished by non-VA medical providers by the Office of Community Care and creates a report that covers a five year span.Submitted
52Version 1Roby (AL)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases the Military Construction, Air National Guard account by $5,000,000 for the F-35 maintenance facility. Submitted
53Version 1Lesko (AZ)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases the Veterans Health Administration account by $3,000,000 to be directed towards female only inpatient clinics. Made in Order
54Version 1McCarthy (CA)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Construction, Major Projects account by $39.732 million to support the timely completion of construction of VA facilities authorized by Public Law 111-82.Made in Order

Division E – Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 2Wexton (VA)DemocratRevised Removes and adds $7,000,000 for the purpose of instructing the Federal Aviation Administration to continue the Remote Tower Pilot Program. Made in Order
2Version 2Garcia, Jesús (IL)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding for technical assistance and training for front line bus and rail transit workers by $1 million.Made in Order
3Version 1LaMalfa (CA), Crawford (AR)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds for any high-speed rail projects in California unless the Secretary of Transportation certifies that the State has reimbursed landowners for land taken through an order of possession or eminent domain for the purposes of a high-speed rail project. Submitted
4Version 2Gosar (AZ), Hern (OK)RepublicanRevised Prohibits federal funds for the housing of unauthorized aliens.Revised
5Version 1Chabot (OH)RepublicanIncreases funding for National Infrastructure Investments (BUILD grants) by $100 million.Submitted
6Version 2Banks (IN)RepublicanRevised Reduces amounts made available in Division E, other than amounts made available to the Department of Defense, by 14 percent. Made in Order
7Version 1Budd (NC), Rooney (FL)RepublicanProhibits funds from being used to enforce Executive Order 13502 which encourages federal agencies to use project labor agreements (PLA's) on a case-by-case basis on federal construction projects exceeding $25 million in total cost.Submitted
8Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanStrikes language in the bill that would prohibit funds from being used to implement the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s May 10, 2019 proposed rule regarding verification of recipients’ eligible immigration status. Submitted
9Version 2DeFazio (OR)DemocratRevised Prohibits authorizing the transportation of liquefied natural gas by rail tank car and prohibits the Secretary of Transportation from using funds to authorize transportation of liquefied natural gas by rail tank car by issuance of a special permit or approval. Made in Order
10Version 1Huffman (CA)DemocratProhibits funds in the bill from being used to enforce regulations requiring within two years construction of agency relief projects funded by the Federal Highway Administration.Submitted
11Version 1Levin, Mike (CA), Pressley (MA)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $1,5000,000 to support funding to study alternative methods for calculating Fair Market Rents in rental markets with rapidly rising rents.Made in Order
12Version 1Pence (IN), Babin (TX), Gibbs (OH), Balderson (OH), LaMalfa (CA), Gianforte (MT)RepublicanStrikes section 135, a provision that would prohibit FMCSA from implementing reforms intended to provide flexibility for the trucking industry. Submitted
13Version 1Omar (MN), Tlaib (MI), Kuster (NH), Khanna (CA)DemocratIncreases funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Manufactured Housing Program by $500,000, in order to protect the quality, safety and affordability of manufactured homes and to make homeownership more accessible.Made in Order
14Version 2Burchett (TN)RepublicanRevised Transfers $12,000,000 from the Department of Transportation’s Office of the Secretary to the Highway Trust Fund. Made in Order
15Version 1Duncan (SC), Hartzler (MO), Meadows (NC), Babin (TX), Gaetz (FL), Timmons (SC)RepublicanStrikes section 236 which prohibits funds from being used to implement, administer, or enforce the HUD “Equal Access in Accordance With an Individual’s Gender Identity in Community Planning and Development Programs” rule.Made in Order
16Version 1Duncan (SC), Hartzler (MO), Meadows (NC), Babin (TX), Gaetz (FL), Cloud (TX), Timmons (SC), Norman (SC)RepublicanStrikes section 237 which prohibits the HUD notice “Appropriate Placement for Transgender Persons in Single-Sex Emergency Shelters and Other Facilities” from having the force and effect of law.Made in Order
17Version 1Heck (WA), Young (AK), Moore (WI), Huffman (CA), Gabbard (HI), Haaland (NM)Bi-PartisanProvides additional funding for the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program.Made in Order
18Version 1Walker (NC)RepublicanPrevents any funds from being used in localities that act as sanctuary jurisdictions and disregard federal immigration law.Submitted
19Version 1Schrier (WA)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration by $1,000,000 to support state efforts aimed at reducing distracted driving, properly securing vehicle loads, and other highways safety programs. Made in Order
20Version 1Smith, Jason (MO), Crawford (AR)RepublicanPrevents funds from being used for a State, or local government entity or official if that entity prohibits, or in any way restricts, any government entity or official from sending to, or receiving from, the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.Submitted
21Version 1Garcia, Jesús (IL)DemocratExtends existing prohibition from the FY19 omnibus to provide more certainty for transit agencies utilizing Capital Investment Grants.Submitted
22Version 2Escobar (TX)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding for the Small Community Air Service Development Program by $5 million to help small airports compete for air service.Made in Order
23Version 2Escobar (TX)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding for Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) planning grants by $5 million to be allocated to low-income communities. Made in Order
24Version 1Rice, Kathleen (NY), Sherman (CA)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding to the Airport and Airway Trust Fund by $1 million in order to support the research and development of aircraft technologies that reduce aviation noise.Made in Order
25Version 1Lesko (AZ)RepublicanStrikes language in section 236, which prohibits funds from being used to implement, administer, or enforce a rule that would change HUD’s, “Equal Access in Accordance With an Individual’s Gender Identity in Community Planning and Development Programs” rule.Made in Order
26Version 1Mitchell (MI)RepublicanCreates a 3% across the board spending reduction to Division E.Made in Order
27Version 1Mitchell (MI)RepublicanReduces by 10% general administrative and departmental salary and expense accounts in Division E.Submitted
28Version 1Rouda (CA)DemocratProhibits the use of funds to promote the "uberization" of general aviation flights at airports. Submitted
29Version 1Takano (CA), Calvert (CA), Boyle (PA), Cook (CA)Bi-PartisanProhibits the National Railroad Passenger Corporation from using funding under this Act in contravention of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act.Made in Order
30Version 2Porter (CA)DemocratRevised Increases funding within the Highway Infrastructure Program for the construction of electric vehicle charging and hydrogen fueling stations by $10,000,000.Made in Order
31Version 1Langevin (RI)DemocratProvides $800,000 for the Access Board to study in-cabin wheelchair restraint systems as described in the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. Made in Order
32Version 1Krishnamoorthi (IL), Rouda (CA), DeSaulnier (CA), Clay (MO), Blumenauer (OR), Bustos (IL), Payne, Jr. (NJ), Beyer (VA), Dean (PA), Sherrill (NJ)DemocratForbids funds from being used in violation of section 2635.702 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.Made in Order
33Version 1Foster (IL)DemocratAdd and remove $1 from capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure to highlight the disparity between State apportionments.Made in Order
34Version 1LaMalfa (CA)RepublicanStrikes section 234 of the Transportation-Housing and Urban Development Division to allow HUD to implement the proposed rule entitled “Housing and Community Development Act of 1980: Verification of Eligible Status” to ensure that affordable housing is not provided to unauthorized aliens.Submitted
35Version 1LaMalfa (CA), Crawford (AR)RepublicanStrikes a provision of the bill that prohibits funds from being used to terminate a grant or cooperative agreement with the California High Speed Rail Authority. Submitted
36Version 1Lipinski (IL), Garcia, Jesús (IL)DemocratBroadens the eligibility under the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) program for Positive Train Control (PTC) grants to include preventive maintenance. Submitted
37Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanReduces funds made available to division E by 4.6 percent. Made in Order
38Version 2Lipinski (IL)DemocratRevised Removes and adds $1,000,000 from the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement (CRISI) program for the purpose of instructing the Federal Railroad Administration to include preventive maintenance as an eligible capital expense for grants awarded to projects deploying Positive Train Control (PTC).Made in Order
39Version 3Kuster (NH), Green, Al (TX), Smith, Christopher (NJ), Levin, Mike (CA), Pappas (NH), Hill, Katie (CA), Rouda (CA), Porter (CA), Armstrong (ND), Rose, Max (NY), Brindisi (NY), Cisneros (CA)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding for the HUD-Veterans Affairs and Supportive Housing program, which provides rental assistance and wrap around support services to help homeless veterans transition into permanent housing, by $2,000,000. Made in Order
40Version 1Sires (NJ)DemocratProvides that if a city’s Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) allocation falls below the national threshold, a surrounding county may be designated as the recipient. Counties would have to agree to be a recipient and already administer ESG funding. Submitted
41Version 2Bera (CA), Cisneros (CA)DemocratRevised Increases funding for DoT Low or No Emission Vehicle Program by $2 million offset by a cut to the Office of the Secretary.Made in Order
42Version 1Phillips (MN)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding supporting capital investment grants by $1,000,000. These funds are used to invest in critical transit projects. Made in Order
43Version 1Blumenauer (OR), Payne, Jr. (NJ), Sires (NJ), Bustos (IL), Rice, Kathleen (NY), Sewell (AL), Garcia, Jesús (IL), Sherrill (NJ), Dean (PA), Beyer (VA), Schakowsky (IL)DemocratProhibits the used of federal funds to employ someone tasked with providing special access to advance a single state's agenda in front of the Department of Transportation.Submitted
44Version 1Perlmutter (CO), Crow (CO), Buck (CO), DeGette (CO), Neguse (CO)Bi-PartisanProhibits funds in the bill from denying repayment of credit risk premiums under the Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program for any loan repaid before the enactment of the bill. Submitted
45Version 1Allen (GA)RepublicanReduces spending in Division E by 1 percent. Submitted
46Version 2DeSaulnier (CA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding for the Research and Technology account at the Department of Transportation by $2 million to support a study on the impacts climate change has already had and will continue to have on all modes of transportation.Made in Order
47Version 1Burgess (TX)RepublicanReduces funding for the Essential Air Service by $50 million to match the President's request. Made in Order
48Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanWithdrawn None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to enforce any regulation that requires a commercial vehicle to be equipped with an logging device. Withdrawn
49Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds to purchase, install, maintain, or operate electric vehicle charging stations. Submitted
50Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanStrikes the bill’s prohibition on using funds to finalize or enforce the proposed rule published by NHTSA and EPA entitled, “The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule” or any successor rule. Submitted
51Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanStrikes the bill’s prohibition on the FTA requirement that applicants for the Capital Investment Grant provide a reasonable cost estimate that exceeds a 50 percent probability of on-budget completion. Made in Order
52Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds by NHTSA or FMCSA to finalize the notice of proposed rulemaking regarding speed limiting devices. Submitted
53Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanStrikes the bill's prohibition on using funds to terminate a grant or cooperative agreement with the California High Speed Rail Authority, de-obligate funding associated with a grant or cooperative agreement with the California High Speed Rail Authority, or require the State of California or the California High Speed Rail Authority to repay funding previously obligate and expended. Submitted
54Version 1Davis, Rodney (IL)RepublicanStrikes section 133 to prevent states from preempting federal law as it relates to trucking hours of service.Submitted
55Version 1Gabbard (HI)DemocratEnsures that communities in noncontiguous states are not subject to local cost share requirements for essential air service. Submitted
56Version 1Clarke, Yvette (NY)DemocratProhibits funds from being used by HUD to verify immigration status in the manner described in a proposed rulemaking relating to immigration status verification in order to enforce such rule. Submitted
57Version 1Doggett (TX)DemocratIncreases funding for aviation safety activities at FAA by $7.5 million in order to ensure the implementation of second-class medical certificates for commercial balloon operators. It offsets this increase by reducing finance and management activities at the FAA by $7.5M.Made in Order
58Version 1Cohen (TN), Raskin (MD)DemocratProhibits the use of funds to enter into any new contract, grant, or cooperative agreement with any Trump related business listed in the President Trump’s Annual Financial Disclosure Report submitted to the Office of Government Ethics as well as certain Trump related properties listed on the Trump Organization’s website. The specific properties are listed in the amendment.Submitted
59Version 2Garcia, Jesús (IL), Cisneros (CA)DemocratRevised Increases the existing set aside of $15M for planning, preparation, or design of transit, transit-oriented development, and multimodal projects funds to $20M.Made in Order
60Version 2Abraham (LA), Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanRevised Prohibits HUD from requiring elevation standards for structures located within a special flood hazard area that are inconsistent with FEMA elevation requirements.Revised
61Version 1Speier (CA)DemocratProhibits funding from being used to enforce the law requiring airports to get approval for a curfew with regards to San Francisco International Airport.Submitted
62Version 1Gibbs (OH)RepublicanStrikes section 134 which requires in 6 months a public analysis of violations developed under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Compliance Safety Accountability program.Submitted
63Version 1Gomez (CA)DemocratPrioritizes Homeless Assistance Grants to entities who serve victims of domestic violence, sexual exploitation, or both. Submitted
64Version 1Gomez (CA)DemocratEnsures that 20 percent of the funds available to the Community Development Block Grant Program would go to economically distressed communities.Submitted
65Version 1Clarke, Yvette (NY)DemocratProhibits HUD from installing or using facial recognition or iris/retina scanning technology in public or assisted housing. Submitted
66Version 1Clarke, Yvette (NY)DemocratProhibits the acquisition of video cameras from China and Russia-based companies. Submitted
67Version 3Vargas (CA), Aguilar (CA)DemocratRevised Prohibits any funds from being used to bar or limit DACA recipients from receiving mortgage loans backed by FHA, solely on the basis of their status as DACA recipients. Made in Order
68Version 1Miller (WV)RepublicanProvides $1,000,000 for a pilot program to prevent driving under the influence of prescription and over-the-counter medication.Submitted
69Version 1Brown (MD)DemocratProhibits funding to be used to issue a record of decision for an environmental impact statement for the I-495 and I-270 Managed Lanes Study in the State of Maryland.Submitted
70Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanWithdrawn Prohibits funds made available by this Act from being used to award a contract for services to train any employee of an Executive agency to learn how to support or defeat legislation pending before Congress.Withdrawn
71Version 1Walberg (MI), Burgess (TX)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration for activities intended to encourage states to adopt legislation, regulations, policies, directives, or guidance to profile motorcycle riders. Submitted
72Version 1Malinowski (NJ)DemocratCodifies Congress’s intent that the Department of Transportation follow the law when determining a projects eligibility for Capital Investment Grants.Made in Order
73Version 2Malinowski (NJ)DemocratRevised Increases funding for the Low or No Emission Grant Program by $6 million to promote state emission responsibility. Reduces funding for Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Grants by $6 million.Made in Order
74Version 1Malinowski (NJ)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding for the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) by $1,000,000 to enhance PHMSA’s Community Liaison Services’ ability to respond to pipeline-related inquiries from community members.Made in Order
75Version 1Malinowski (NJ)DemocratIncreases funding for the Department of Transportation’s Office of the Inspector General by $1,000,000. Decreases funding for the Office of the Secretary by $1,000,000. Made in Order
76Version 1Raskin (MD)DemocratEnsures that no funds made available under this act may be used to implement the FAA’s May 23, 2019 proposed flight path changes for incoming and outgoing planes on Runway 19 at Washington Reagan National Airport.Submitted
77Version 1Smith, Christopher (NJ)RepublicanRequires the Department of Transportation (DOT) to include methadone in drug-testing policies, if HHS determines that inclusion is justified based on the reliability and cost-effectiveness of available testing.Submitted
78Version 2Jayapal (WA)DemocratRevised Reallocates $1,000,000 to fund transitional housing and homelessness services. Made in Order
79Version 1Jayapal (WA)DemocratWithdrawn Prohibits discrimination against tenants and persons experiencing homelessness based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.Withdrawn
80Version 1Jayapal (WA)DemocratWithdrawn Adds $4,000,000 to funds allocated for the creation and implementation of permanent supportive housing.Withdrawn
81Version 1Jayapal (WA)DemocratPrevents funds from being used to reject any application for a national infrastructure investment grant due to the use of previously-expended funds for the non-Federal funding requirementSubmitted
82Version 2Jayapal (WA)DemocratRevised Removes and replaces $2 million from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund to support the Airport Noise And Environmental Streamlining subtitle of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018.Made in Order
83Version 1Jayapal (WA)DemocratTransfers $1 million from the Office of the Secretary of Transportation to the Office of the Inspector General to support the FAA safety certification process audit.Made in Order
84Version 1Graves, Garret (LA), Fletcher (TX)Bi-PartisanRequires the HUD Secretary to issue the allocations made available for mitigation activities under the Bipartisan Budget Act within 7 days of enactment.Submitted
85Version 1Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanProhibits funding from being used to issue rules or guidance in contravention of Sec. 1210 of the FAA Reauthorization Act or Sec. 312 of the Stafford Act with regards to duplication of benefits.Made in Order
86Version 1Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanRequires the HUD Secretary to publish guidance related to duplication of benefits within 7 days of enactment.Submitted
87Version 2Plaskett (VI)DemocratRevised Provides for inclusion of the insular territories of the United States within the meaning of the term “areas of persistent poverty”. Made in Order
88Version 2Keating (MA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases by $5,000,000 funding to support the design of projects to replace federally owned bridge infrastructure that is designated as an evacuation route.Made in Order
89Version 2Balderson (OH)RepublicanRevised Supports $2 million of funding under the DOT research and technology activities account to be used for the Forces to Flyers Initiative, which provides grants to train veterans to become commercial pilots.Revised
90Version 1Hill, French (AR)RepublicanNone of the funds made available by this act may be used to provide annual compensation or benefits to any executive of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac in excess of $600,000.Submitted
91Version 1Tlaib (MI), Pressley (MA), Beyer (VA)DemocratStates none of the funds in this Act available to the Department of Housing and Urban Development may be used to purchase, lease, or otherwise utilize facial or other biometric recognition software, hardware or system. Submitted
92Version 1Tlaib (MI), Pressley (MA), Beyer (VA)DemocratStates none of the funds in this Act available to the Department of Housing and Urban Development should be appropriated to any program recipient that authorizes the purchase, lease, or other utilization of facial or other biometric recognition software, hardware or system on sites funded by the Department. Submitted
93Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanProvides for a one percent across the board cut to the discretionary spending levels in Division E of the bill. Submitted
94Version 1Craig (MN)DemocratStrikes and restore funding to address the concerns of communities affected by aircraft noise to urge the FAA to respond fully and completely to the requirements in the FAA Reauthorization Act pertaining to noise reduction. Made in Order
95Version 2Blunt Rochester (DE)DemocratRevised Increase and decrease by $1,000,000 to the Homeless Grants Account under Housing and Urban Development title which funds HUD’s continuum of care for the purpose of expressing concern over consideration of transitional family housing grants under competitive grant assessments, especially regarding populations with special needs such as survivors of violence and those with substance use disorders. HUD should submit a study on the impact of awarding transitional family housing grants via competitive assessments and the effectiveness of these programs versus alternative programs in achieving long-term housing stability.Made in Order
96Version 3Spano (FL)RepublicanRevised Increases funding for the commercial space transportation activities account by $8 million to the fiscal year 2019 authorized level. Reduces funding by $8 million for the finance and management activities account. Made in Order
97Version 3Roe (TN)RepublicanRevised Reduces funding for project-based rental assistance by $843,000,000 to the fiscal year 2019 level, increases funding for HUD-VASH by $40,000,000, and increases funding for tenant-based rental assistance by $803,000,000. This amendment expresses Congressional intent that the additional $803,000,000 for tenant-based rental assistance should be reserved for Section 8 tenant-based annual contributions contracts. Revised
98Version 4Pressley (MA), Tlaib (MI)DemocratRevised Provides a $5 million increase to the Family Self Sufficiency Program and reduces funds from the Office of the Secretary at HUD.Made in Order
99Version 2Sewell (AL)DemocratRevised Adds and removes $1 from the Office of the Secretary of Transportation to instruct the Department to prioritize funding and resources for the modernization and expansion of non-emergency medical transportation programs. The Secretary should submit to Congress an analysis on how the Department can better address transportation barriers, which is a critical social determinant of health. Made in Order
100Version 2Adams (NC)DemocratRevised Transfers $2 million from the Department of Transportation, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, to the Federal Aviation Administration’s Facilities and Equipment account (Terminal Programs) for the purpose increasing availability of funds for replacing Terminal Air Traffic Control Facilities. Made in Order
101Version 3Adams (NC), Pressley (MA)DemocratRevised Increases funding for senior housing by $1 million through the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program.Made in Order
102Version 2Adams (NC)DemocratRevised Increases funding by $2 million for the tenant-based rental assistance program.Made in Order
103Version 3Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratLate Revised Increases and decreases the National Infrastructure Investments account by $10,000,000 to support urban bicycle and pedestrian safety programs.Made in Order
104Version 3Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratLate Revised Increases and decreases by $2,000,000 funds for the Office of Inspector General account to investigate the Department’s delay in releasing over $5 billion in Hurricane Harvey Disaster Community Block Grant funds.Made in Order
105Version 1Pressley (MA)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $1,000,000 funding for the National Infrastructure Investments (BUILD grants) in order to reinforce the importance of robust investments in safe, reliant and efficient transit options including commuter rails, subway, buses, bike and pedestrian paths.Made in Order
106Version 1Carbajal (CA)DemocratLate Increases and decreases the DoT office of Research and Technology account by $500,000 for the Secretary of Transportation and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to conduct a study on effective ways to measure the resilience of transportation systems and services to withstand natural disasters, natural hazards, and other potential disruptions.Made in Order
107Version 1Maloney, Sean (NY)DemocratLate Decreases and then increases funding for Transportation Planning, Research, and Development by $1 million for the purposes of encouraging the Department of Transportation to research implementing connected vehicle and autonomous vehicle technologies at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings.Made in Order
108Version 1Gibbs (OH)RepublicanLate Amends vehicles defined under CAFÉ standards to include 3 wheeled passenger vehicles. Submitted
109Version 1Meadows (NC)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases funding for the Department of Transportation to study economic authority certification to facilitate the operation of U.S.-based unmanned aircraft manufacturers and operators who receive venture capital and who carry cargo within U.S. airspace. Made in Order
110Version 1Norton (DC), Beyer (VA), Schakowsky (IL), Suozzi (NY), Gallego (AZ), Khanna (CA), Panetta (CA), Peters (CA), Quigley (IL), Raskin (MD), Sherman (CA)DemocratLate Increases and decreases by $1 the FAA Operations budget with the intent to urge the FAA to prioritize efforts to combat airplane and helicopter noise.Made in Order
111Version 1Norton (DC), Brown (MD), Sarbanes (MD), Trone (MD)DemocratLate Makes funding to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Metro) contingent upon Metro’s certification that it will not award any contract or subcontract for railcars to state-owned corporations.Submitted
112Version 1Finkenauer (IA)DemocratIncreases funding for the National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau (Build America Bureau) to ensure rural communities can get technical assistance when seeking federal transportation infrastructure financing opportunities.Made in Order
113Version 1Bost (IL), Lipinski (IL)Bi-PartisanLate Prohibits the use of funds in contravention of Executive Order 13858, “Strengthening Buy-American Preferences for Infrastructure Projects” issued on January 31, 2019.Made in Order
114Version 2Waters (CA)DemocratLate Revised Transfers $5 million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development administrative and support offices account to the Homeless Assistance Grants program for technical assistance to improve system responses to youth homelessness and improve data collection on youth homelessness. Made in Order
115Version 1Garcia, Jesús (IL)DemocratLate Sets aside $10M, out of $350M available, for the purpose of Amtrak ventilation, track, and signal systems improvements.Submitted
116Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanLate Strikes the Notice issued by Department of Housing and Urban Development entitled "Appropriate Placement for Transgender Persons in Single-sex Emergency Shelters and Other Facilities." Submitted
117Version 2King, Steve (IA)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits the use of funds from Divison E of this Act to be used for Housing Choice Voucher Public Housing Authority Portability. Revised
118Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanLate No funds may be appropriated to enforce the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) notice, dated April 25, 2013, to all housing providers covered by the Fair Housing Act (FHAct), Section 504, and/or the ADA, explaining that although the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) amendments to its regulations for Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which limit the definition of “service animal” under the ADA to include only dogs, and further define “service animal” to exclude emotional support animals, this definition does not limit housing provider’s obligation to make reasonable accommodations for assistance animals under the FHAct or Section 504.” Submitted
119Version 1Bost (IL), Duffy (WI)RepublicanLate Seeks to ensure that United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) continue to work with the HUD Office of Inspector General (OIG) to incorporate findings and recommendations of the OIG investigation, “Final Evaluation Report – HUD’s Oversight of Alexander County Public Housing Authority in Cairo, IL,” and “Alexander County Housing Authority’s improper usage of HUD subsidized Asset Management Project Funds,” for the purposes of protecting public housing residents and improving agency oversight and enforcement of public housing regulations. Made in Order
120Version 3Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratLate Revised Bars the use of funds made available under Division E to the Department of Transportation to approve or license any surface transportation project that is not in compliance with Section 306108 of the National Historic Preservation Act.Revised
121Version 1Woodall (GA)RepublicanLate Strikes section 193.Made in Order

Division F – Fair Compensation for Low-Wage Contractor Employees Act of 2019

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 1Norcross (NJ), Smith, Christopher (NJ)Bi-PartisanLate Increases from $965 to $1,400 the amount of weekly compensation a federal contractor may receive in back-pay from the last federal government shutdown to better reflect the spectrum of missed earnings. Submitted
2Version 1Lowey (NY)DemocratMANAGER’S AMENDMENT Late Allows agencies to employ people who have employment authorization under DACA, notwithstanding any other restrictions on employment of non-citizens by Federal agencies.Considered as Adopted