H.R. 372 - Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2017

Bill Text

    Rules Committee Print 115-8 PDF XML

    Showing the text of H. R. 372 as ordered reported by the Committee on the Judiciary

    Text of H.R. 372 PDF XML

    Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2017 (as reported) 

    H. Rept. 115-36 PDF

    Report from the Committee on the Judiciary 

Rule Information

REPORTED BY VOICE VOTE on Monday, March 20, 2017.

Agreed to by record vote of 234-182, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 231-185, on Tuesday, March 21, 2017.

MANAGERS: Collins/Polis

1. Closed rule.

2. Provides one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on the Judiciary.

3. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.

4. Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 115-8 shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.

5. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.

6. Provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.

Amendments (click headers to sort)

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
4Version 2Carter, Buddy (GA)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Clarifies that third party administrators of health care benefits be subject to anti-trust laws. Withdrawn
2Version 1Conyers (MI)DemocratRepeals the antitrust exemption for the business of medical malpractice insurance.Submitted
1Version 1Perlmutter (CO)DemocratRequires healthcare providers to disclose their lowest price accepted as payment in full.Submitted
3Version 1Yoho (FL)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Removes penalties for health insurers and group health plan sponsors for providing health insurance products that do not comport with certain requirements under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.Withdrawn