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H.R. 7309—Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2022

H.R. 7309 - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2022

Bill Text

Rules Committee Print 117-43 PDF XML

Showing the text of H.R. 7309, as ordered reported by the Committee on Education and Labor.

Text of H.R. 7309 PDF XML

(as reported)

H. Rept. 117–321 PDF

Report from the Committee on Education and Labor to accompany H.R. 7309

Rule Information

REPORTED BY A RECORD VOTE of 9-4 on Monday, May 16, 2022.

Agreed to by record vote of 220-199(link is external), after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 221-195(link is external), on May 17, 2022.

MANAGERS: Scanlon/Burgess

1. Closed rule for H.R. 6531.
2. Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform or their designees.
3. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.
4. Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 117-44, modified by the amendment printed in part A of the Rules Committee report, shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.
5. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.
6. Provides one motion to recommit.
7. Structured rule for H.R. 7309.
8. Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Education and Labor or their designees.
9. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.
10. Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 117-43, modified by the amendment printed in part B of the Rules Committee report, shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.
11. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.
12. Provides that following debate, each further amendment printed in part C of the Rules Committee report not earlier considered as part of amendments en bloc pursuant to section 4 shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, may be withdrawn by the proponent at any time before the question is put thereon, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.
13. Section 4 provides that at any time after debate the chair of the Committee on Education and Labor or his designee may offer amendments en bloc consisting of further amendments printed in part C of the Rules Committee report not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Education and Labor or their designees, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.
14. Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part C of the report and amendments en bloc described in section 4 of the resolution.
15. Provides one motion to recommit.

16. Closed rule for S. 2398.
17. Provides one hour of debate equally divided among and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure or their designees.
18. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.
19. Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 117-45 shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.
20. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.
21. Provides one motion to commit.
22. Provides that House Resolution 1118 is hereby adopted.

Amendments (click each header to sort table by that column)

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 1Bustos (IL)(link is external)DemocratWithdrawn Creates a grant program through the Department of Labor to support industry partnerships in developing and carrying out training programs for workers who are, or are likely to become, dislocated because of advances in technology, including automation.Withdrawn
2Version 2Bustos (IL)(link is external), Lawrence (MI)DemocratRevised Increases funding for National Dislocated Worker Grants and ensure workers who are dislocated by automation are included in WIOA programs. Defines "automation" under WIOA.Made in Order
3Version 1Newman (IL)(link is external), Fitzpatrick (PA), Wild (PA)Bi-PartisanWithdrawn Establishes a grant program for eligible partnerships to expand, establish, and implement a Grow Your Own Program to increase specialized instructional support personnel in high-need educational agencies.Withdrawn
4Version 1Newman (IL)(link is external), Bowman (NY)DemocratWithdrawn Adds a mental health agency representation to state workforce boards, gives the option for local boards to add a mental health agency representation, and requires local plans to address how they will meet the needs of job seekers who have experienced trauma or other mental health or substance use challenges.Withdrawn
5Version 1Smith, Adam (WA)(link is external)DemocratEnsures that meals and other food assistance is provided to participants in youth workforce training activities, as appropriate.Made in Order
6Version 2Newman (IL)(link is external)DemocratRevised Strengthens financial literacy and empowerment activities for youth and adults within the workforce system by adding language to allow coordination with entities that provide financial literacy education and empowerment activities. Supports workers' ability to understand relevant tax information and obligations and adds language for financial health factors.Made in Order
7Version 1Jacobs, Sara (CA)(link is external)DemocratEnables up to 5 percent of local Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker funds to be used for supportive services without demonstrating that the participants could not obtain supportive services through other programs, so long as the worker is participating in a training program.Made in Order
8Version 1Cohen (TN)(link is external)DemocratEnsures that relevant subject matter experts, professionals, and community leaders may be included as members of local workforce development boards.Made in Order
9Version 2Blunt Rochester (DE)(link is external)DemocratRevised Provides supports to small businesses in the summer and year-round employment program for youth.Made in Order
10Version 1Morelle (NY)(link is external)DemocratRequires the State to distribute funds made available for Adult Education and Family Literacy programs within 30 days after approval of the unified State plan.Made in Order
11Version 1Morelle (NY)(link is external)DemocratAllows workforce development funds to be used to raise awareness about the local workforce system and for the marketing of such system.Made in Order
12Version 1Miller, Mary (IL)(link is external)RepublicanStrikes language which defines individuals with barriers to employment who have been historically underserved and marginalized to include "sexual orientation, or gender identity".Submitted
13Version 1Miller, Mary (IL)(link is external)RepublicanProhibits WIOA funds from being used to reimburse any health care services.Made in Order
14Version 1DeLauro (CT)(link is external)DemocratWithdrawn Provides funding to states for the creation or expansion of tuition assistance programs that benefit participants in pre-apprenticeship and Registered Apprenticeship programs.Withdrawn
15Version 2Jayapal (WA)(link is external)DemocratRevised Authorizes the Secretary of Labor to conduct a study on the development of career pathways, national training standards, apprenticeship programs, and other workforce development initiatives for domestic workers and how those programs may affect the wages of those workers.Made in Order
16Version 2Scanlon (PA)(link is external)DemocratRevised Expands eligibility for summer and year-round employment programs for youth and revises the language to better target youth most in need of services.Made in Order
17Version 1Bice (OK)(link is external), Jacobs, Sara (CA)Bi-PartisanExpands the use of funds in three WIOA programs for public private partnerships to create job training programs for in-demand jobs.Made in Order
18Version 1Bowman (NY)(link is external)DemocratStrengthens connectivity between K-12 education and local work workforce development boards by adding language for standing committees to support alignment, coordination, and continuity with K-12 education providers.Made in Order
19Version 1Bowman (NY)(link is external)DemocratEnsures State Workforce Development Boards include a youth representative in its membership.Made in Order
20Version 1Jacobs, Sara (CA)(link is external)DemocratWithdrawn Streamlines the eligibility determination process to allow local boards to delegate enrollment partnerships with training providers whom they have made a training contract, as opposed to requiring participants to first meet with the local one-stop operator in all circumstances.Withdrawn
21Version 1Jacobs, Sara (CA)(link is external)DemocratWithdrawn Creates trainee success stipends for people enrolled in eligible training programs who are homeless or displaced.Withdrawn
22Version 1McGovern (MA)(link is external)DemocratAuthorizes the Secretary of Labor to conduct a study on the integration of individuals with creative skillsets into in-demand industry sectors and occupations.Made in Order
23Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)(link is external)DemocratEnsures access for women and girls to STEM education (science, technology, engineering, math).Made in Order
24Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)(link is external), Adams (NC)DemocratDirects the Secretary to encourage HBCUs (historically Black colleges and universities), minority-serving institutions, and Tribally Controlled colleges and institutions to apply for assistance under this Act to provide job skills training and educational services, and to prioritize applications for assistance from such entities.Made in Order
25Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)(link is external)DemocratEstablishes a ‘‘Cybersecurity Job Skills Training and Employment Program’’ to provide cybersecurity job skills training curricula for use by educational institutions, employment preparation, acquisition services for cybersecurity trainees, and establishes mechanisms to monitor and evaluate Program progress.Submitted
26Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)(link is external)DemocratEstablishes an ‘‘Environmental Job Skills Training and Employment Program’’ that provides job skills training curricula for jobs and careers in industries that benefit the environment, reduce carbon or greenhouse gasses, generate clean energy, and conserve natural resources. The Program also provides employment preparation and acquisition services for trainees in the Program, and establishes mechanisms to monitor and evaluate Program progress.Submitted
27Version 4Blunt Rochester (DE)(link is external), Horsford (NV), Neguse (CO), Demings (FL), Kelly, Robin (IL), Morelle (NY), McBath (GA), Jacobs, Sara (CA), Johnson, Hank (GA), Newman (IL), Manning (NC), Adams (NC), Moore (WI), Cleaver (MO), Barragán (CA), Dean (PA), Kilmer (WA), Larson, John (CT), Evans (PA), Mfume, Kweisi (MD), Bush, Cori (MO), Underwood (IL), Thompson, Mike (CA), Carter, Troy (LA), Davis, Danny K. (IL), Payne, Jr. (NJ), Jeffries (NY), Maloney, Carolyn (NY), Sewell (AL), Lee, Barbara (CA), Velázquez (NY), Norton (DC), Hayes (CT), Pressley (MA), Schneider (IL), Strickland (WA), Case (HI), Casten (IL), McEachin (VA), Tlaib (MI), Matsui (CA), Wilson, Frederica (FL), Clarke, Yvette (NY)DemocratRevised Provides grants for year-round job training and workforce programs to support opportunity youth in communities disproportionately affected by gun violence.Made in Order
28Version 1Lawrence (MI)(link is external)DemocratWithdrawn Expands resources for workforce development initiatives in industries expected to be disrupted by technology implementation.Withdrawn
29Version 2Lawrence (MI)(link is external)DemocratRevised Ensures One-Stop Centers service individuals seeking upskilling to maintain employment.Made in Order
30Version 3Kaptur (OH)(link is external), Kelly, Mike (PA), Dingell (MI), Ryan (OH)Bi-PartisanRevised Directs the Secretary of Labor, in coordination with relevant federal agencies, to conduct a study examining auto mechanic workforce shortage issues, and how Federal agencies are adjusting training programs or providing a higher number of apprenticeships to deal with advanced modern technology in automobiles and EVs.Made in Order
31Version 1Good (VA)(link is external)RepublicanImplements E-verify (as described in section 403(a) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996) for all employers participating in WIOA programs.Submitted
32Version 1Good (VA)(link is external)RepublicanStrikes language from the bill that prevents non-registered apprenticeships from receiving WIOA funding.Made in Order
33Version 1Rush (IL)(link is external), Hudson (NC)Bi-PartisanWithdrawn Creates an energy workforce development program to award grants and technical assistance to educational institutions, workforce development boards, and labor organizations. Also creates an grant program to provide stipends for individuals receiving energy-related job training.Withdrawn
34Version 1Ross (NC)(link is external)DemocratWithdrawn Adds “entrepreneurs” to the list of “individuals with a barrier to employment.” Including entrepreneurs in the list would assist in making them eligible for the support and training programs that the bill would enact.Withdrawn
35Version 1Phillips (MN)(link is external), Ross (NC), Sherrill (NJ)DemocratIncludes information on entrepreneurship in career and training services provided by One-Stop Career Centers, which provide various employment services and connects job seekers with relevant trainings and education.Made in Order
36Version 1Scanlon (PA)(link is external)DemocratAdds language for training on how to ensure positive outcomes and service delivery specifically for young people.Made in Order
37Version 1Scanlon (PA)(link is external)DemocratEnsures that the Department of Labor’s technical assistance supports employers, programs, and staff that mentor youth.Made in Order
38Version 1Harder (CA)(link is external), Fitzpatrick (PA), Pocan (WI), Upton (MI)Bi-PartisanClarifies eligibility and encourages inclusion of community-based out of school time organizations operating youth workforce readiness programs in the federal workforce development system.Made in Order
39Version 1Miller-Meeks (IA)(link is external)RepublicanSUBSTITUTE Strikes all and reauthorizes the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act for six years and includes provisions updating the workforce development system, including by adding allowable uses of funds for statewide and local workforce development activities. Makes changes to the Job Corps program and codifies the Reentry Employment Opportunities program.Made in Order
40Version 1Phillips (MN)(link is external)DemocratDirects State Workforce Development Boards to develop and expand strategies for meeting the needs of entrepreneurs and improves the One-Stop Career Centers system to support the delivery of services to entrepreneurs.Submitted
41Version 1Crow (CO)(link is external), Buck (CO)Bi-PartisanWithdrawn Allows a state to deliver Wagner-Peyser Act services through non-merit-staff employees if the state was granted a demonstration as of December 31, 2021.Withdrawn
42Version 1Lee, Barbara (CA)(link is external), Fleischmann (TN)Bi-PartisanWithdrawn Establishes a grant program for states, local educational agencies, and tribal schools to provide computer science education for preK-12 students.Withdrawn
43Version 1Lawrence (MI)(link is external)DemocratLimits reporting requirements for the Innovative Performance Grant for Adult Education Providers to expand participation.Made in Order
44Version 2Lee, Barbara (CA)(link is external), Fleischmann (TN)Bi-PartisanRevised Authorizes the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Education to conduct a study on the STEM workforce and STEM education.Made in Order
45Version 1Sherrill (NJ)(link is external)DemocratExpands the Performance Accountability System for State and local workforce programs to measure the effectiveness of such programs in serving entrepreneurs.Submitted
46Version 3Kilmer (WA)(link is external)DemocratRevised Directs research and best practice recommendations related to the impact of access to certain Federal programs on jobseekers' economic self-sufficiency.Made in Order
47Version 2Schneider (IL)(link is external)DemocratRevised Clarifies performance requirements for community colleges to qualify for the strengthening community colleges training grants program and directs the Secretary of Education to provide technical assistance to institutions that do not meet adequate performance levels.Made in Order
48Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)(link is external)DemocratEnsures that veterans are eligible for career and training services.Made in Order
49Version 1Escobar (TX)(link is external), Lawson (FL)DemocratStrikes Sec. 293 which precludes proprietary institutions from being certified as a one-stop operator or appointed to a state or local board.Submitted
50Version 2Case (HI)(link is external), Kahele (HI)DemocratRevised Adds a GAO report on the unique challenges unemployed and low-income Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians face in the labor market and provides recommendations for improving their access to federal employment and training services.Made in Order
51Version 2Horsford (NV)(link is external), Horsford (NV)DemocratRevised Directs States to make publicly available performance accountability indicators and performance measures for each recognized postsecondary credential that is obtained by any program participant of a core program; and instructs the Secretaries of Labor and Education to develop and disseminate an objective statistical model based on actual economic conditions in States that will be used to make adjustments in the State adjusted levels of performance.Made in Order
52Version 1Porter (CA)(link is external)DemocratLate Adds mental health experts to the panel conducting Comprehensive Needs Assessments for Youth Workforce Investment Activities and adds mental health resources training to Youth Workforce Training Programs.Made in Order
53Version 1Torres, Norma (CA)(link is external)DemocratLate Provides workers information on wages, hours, safe working conditions, forming, joining, and assisting a labor organization, and other applicable terms and conditions of employment to any individual that receives training.Made in Order
54Version 1Harder (CA)(link is external)DemocratLate Adds priority language to the competitive Sector Partnership grants to target areas where the local unemployment rate is higher than that national unemployment rate.Made in Order
55Version 1Cartwright (PA)(link is external)DemocratLate Adds transportation to the allowable uses of funds for YouthBuild program participants with disabilities.Made in Order
56Version 1Golden (ME)(link is external)DemocratLate Adds "provide access to broadband internet service, including for rural communities" to the list of programs, services, and activities that one-stop centers provide.Made in Order
57Version 1Jacobs, Chris (NY)(link is external)RepublicanLate Requires states to provide a timeline for awarding grants and contracts for adult basic education in the Unified State Plan and specifies grants and contacts for adult basic education must be distributed in a timely manner.Made in Order
58Version 1Adams (NC)(link is external)DemocratLate Requires reporting on grantees that receive WIOA funding as it pertains to the size of the organizations, demographics served by the programs, and recipients partnering with Historically Black Colleges or Universities (HBCUs) or other Minority-Serving Institution (MSI).Submitted
59Version 1Garcia, Jesús (IL)(link is external)DemocratLate Increases focus on the most marginalized young people in the WIOA Youth program.Submitted
60Version 2Scott, Bobby (VA)(link is external)DemocratMANAGER’S AMENDMENT Late Revised Clarifies funding cap to one-stop infrastructure costs, revises several definitions, and makes several technical changes.Considered as Adopted
61Version 1Boebert, Lauren (CO)(link is external)RepublicanLate Allows a state to deliver Wagner-Peyser Act services through non-merit-staff employees if the state was granted demonstration status.Submitted

Committee Votes

Rules Committee Record Vote No. 226

Motion by Mr. Cole to provide for separate consideration of H.R. 6858, the American Energy Independence from Russia Act, under a closed rule. Defeated: 4–9

Majority Members
Minority Members

Mrs. Torres
Mr. Perlmutter
Mr. Raskin
Ms. Scanlon
Mr. Morelle
Mr. DeSaulnier
Ms. Ross
Mr. Neguse
Mr. McGovern
Mr. Cole
Mr. Burgess
Mr. Reschenthaler
Mrs. Fischbach

Rules Committee Record Vote No. 227

Motion by Mr. Perlmutter to report the rule. Adopted: 9–4

Majority Members
Minority Members

Mrs. Torres
Mr. Perlmutter
Mr. Raskin
Ms. Scanlon
Mr. Morelle
Mr. DeSaulnier
Ms. Ross
Mr. Neguse
Mr. McGovern
Mr. Cole
Mr. Burgess
Mr. Reschenthaler
Mrs. Fischbach