H.R. 8393—Puerto Rico Status Act
H.R. 8393 - Puerto Rico Status Act
Hearing Information
Meeting Information
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - 5:00pm H-313, The Capitol View Announcement »
Bill Text
Rules Committee Print 117-74 PDF XML
Showing the text of H.R. 8393, as reported by the Committee on Natural Resources, with modifications.
Text of H.R. 8393 PDF
(as reported)
H. Rept. 117-642 PDF
Report from the Committee on Natural Resources to accompany H.R. 8393.
Comparative Print PDF
Showing the differences between H.R. 8393, as reported, and Rules Committee Print 117-74.
Hearing Documents
Rule PDF
H. Rept. 117-643 PDF
Rule Information
REPORTED BY A RECORD VOTE of 8-3 on Wednesday, December 14, 2022.
Agreed to by record vote of 217-201 on December 15, 2022.
MANAGERS: McGovern/Reschenthaler
1. Closed rule.
2. Provides one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Natural Resources or their designees.
3. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.
4. Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 117-74 shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.
5. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.
6. Provides one motion to recommit.
Amendments (click each header to sort table ▲▼ by that column)
# | Version # | Sponsor(s) | Party | Summary | Status |
1 | Version 1 | Plaskett (VI) | Democrat | Provides for a binding referendum in the United States Virgin Islands on the adoption of the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands as the Constitution of the United States Virgin Islands. | Submitted |
2 | Version 1 | Westerman (AR) | Republican | Removes block grant funding for federal support for both independence and free association plebiscite options. | Submitted |
3 | Version 1 | Westerman (AR) | Republican | Conditions the implementation of the Act upon the terms of Sec. 209 of PROMESA first being met. | Submitted |
4 | Version 1 | Westerman (AR) | Republican | Removes requirements from Title I and Title II portions of the Act that the U.S. cannot enforce, should Puerto Rico become an independent nation or a freely associated state. | Submitted |
5 | Version 1 | McClintock (CA) | Republican | Requires Congress to ratify the result of the plebiscite by a two-thirds majority vote. | Submitted |
6 | Version 2 | Hice (GA) | Republican | Revised Removes the travel and work authorization provisions should Puerto Rico choose to implement either the status of independence or sovereignty in free association. | Revised |
7 | Version 1 | Hice (GA) | Republican | Stops the Federal Government from paying for education on the Puerto Rico Statehood vote. | Submitted |
8 | Version 1 | Hice (GA) | Republican | Allows the U.S. to keep our military assets in Puerto Rico and other matters of national security | Submitted |
9 | Version 1 | Hice (GA) | Republican | Requires the Puerto Rico government to continue to pay back all of its debt regardless of which status is chosen in the plebiscite. | Submitted |
10 | Version 1 | Hice (GA) | Republican | Requires Puerto Rico to enter into a treaty of extradition with the United States if the plebiscite results in independence. | Submitted |
11 | Version 1 | Hice (GA) | Republican | Requires Puerto Rico to pay back all debts owed as a condition of the enactment of the Act. | Submitted |
Committee Votes
Rules Committee Record Vote No. 307
Motion by Mr. Reschenthaler to amend the rule to H.R. 8393 to make in order the following amendments: amendment #2, offered by Rep. Westerman (AR), which removes block grant funding for federal support for both independence and free association plebiscite options; amendment #3, offered by Rep. Westerman (AR), which conditions the implementation of the Act upon the terms of Sec. 209 of PROMESA first being met; and amendment #4, offered by Rep. Westerman (AR), which removes requirements from Title I and Title II portions of the Act that the U.S. cannot enforce, should Puerto Rico become an independent nation or a freely associated state. Defeated: 3–8
Rules Committee Record Vote No. 308
Motion by Mrs. Torres to report the rule. Adopted: 8–3