Rules Committee Holds Markup of Resolution to Authorize House Lawsuit Against the President

WASHINGTON, DC – The House Rules Committee today held an original jurisdiction markup of H. Res. 676, which authorizes the Speaker of the House to file a lawsuit on behalf of the House of Representatives against the President for failing to faithfully execute the law.

In his opening remarks, Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX) said, "This lawsuit is a much needed defense of the Constitution and a defense of the role of Congress in our government.  If we do not act, our nation will continue to face the very threat that the Constitution is designed to avoid."  To read Chairman Sessions' full opening statement, click here.

During the markup, the Committee adopted an amendment offered by Congressman Richard Nugent (R-FL), which provides for increased transparency and accountability.  For text of the amendment, click here

For video and background information on the markup, click here.


Jul 24, 2014