Rules Committee Reports Rule Providing for Open Floor Process for Largest Spending Cut in History

WASHINGTON, DC – The House Rules Committee moved tonight to provide an open floor process for the consideration of the largest discretionary spending cut in American history.  The modified open rule reported by the Rules Committee will allow any member, Republican or Democrat, to offer a germane amendment to H.R.1, the Full Year Continuing Appropriations Act, as long as it is pre-printed in the Congressional Record.  Under the framework established by the rule, members will be able to file amendments until the House adjourns tomorrow, February 15, 2011. 

Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-CA) said the open process reflects the commitment of the Republican Majority to have a serious, free flowing debate on the need to reduce federal spending and liberate our economy so that it can start to create jobs.

“There is bipartisan agreement that the federal government spends too much and tonight, we will start to get things under control,” Dreier said.  “This rule lays out a framework for a serious, focused debate on the need to reduce spending and get our fiscal house in order.  Until we are able to do that, the economic uncertainty will continue.  The American people want jobs, not more wasteful government spending.  As we begin consideration of H.R. 1, House Republicans will be working hard to ensure our economy is freed from the fiscal uncertainty that has held us back rather than propelling us forward.”

For Immediate Release: February 14, 2011
Contact Doug Andres 202.225.9191

Feb 14, 2011