Sessions Backs the Blue

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX), Chairman of the House Committee on Rules, released the following statement in support of two measures to support our nation's police officers:
"As we celebrate National Police Week I would like to extend a special thank you to the men and women in the law enforcement community who make endless sacrifices to protect our families and neighborhoods. Last July, in my home city of Dallas, the men and women of the Dallas Police Department were mercilessly targeted and killed as they defended North Texans from a lone shooter. Countless lives could have been lost if these officers did not stand strong in the face of terror and vigilantly protect the people of Dallas. It is because of their bravery and professionalism that no civilians were killed. The sacrifice that these fallen officers made will forever be honored and serve as a resounding reminder of our endless gratitude to the men and women of the police force.
"To show our support for the men and women in blue, the House passed two measures that will provide our local officers with greater protection from those who violently target them and ensure probation officers have the authority to make necessary arrests or restraints if they are in danger. Our police officers are the cornerstone of our communities and I will continue to protect them just as they protect us."

To learn more about H.R. 115, Thin Blue Line Act, click here.
To learn more about H.R. 1039, Probation Officer Protection Act of 2017, click here.


May 19, 2017