Sessions Statement on the American Health Care Act

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, today issued the following statement after the House passed the American Health Care Act: 

"Obamacare is a discriminatory system that picks winners, creates losers, and oppresses American people who are trying to keep their families healthy.  It is a failing system that restricts choice, makes health care unaffordable for American families, and is a major reason why our economy has seen stagnant growth since 2010.
"Although today's vote is a first step to address the failures of the current health care law, we must be deliberate, thoughtful, and responsible in working to produce a sustainable solution to fix our broken healthcare system.  Health care is an issue that impacts every single American.  While this bill is not perfect, I believe it is far superior to the health care system we have now.
"It is my hope that my colleagues in the Senate will continue to use this time to develop a better system that brings millions more of Americans to the health care system, not millions less.  We have a real opportunity to effectively fix health care, and I hope we can continue to work together to do so."



May 4, 2017