Sessions Supports Measure to Protect Victims Involved in Class Action Lawsuits

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX), today issued the following statement after voting in favor of a measure that would protect victims involved in class action litigation by ensuring that all members of a proposed class seeking monetary relief after suffering an injury have the same level and scope of injury, rather than allowing the courts to continue to allow classes to be certified even when all members of the class do not share the same injury type or scope:

“By inflating the size of classes in class action lawsuits, which is all too common in U.S. courts today, individuals who have been injured and are deserving of monetary relief are short changed because of the inclusion of persons who suffered injuries too unlike their own. By supplementing the protections afforded to victims in class actions, this legislation not only benefits injured victims, but also the U.S. economy and consumers who too often shoulder the financial burden of being forced to pay undue expenses to individuals who do not belong in a particular class. I was pleased to support this nuanced yet important bill today and I look forward to the president’s signature.”

For more on the Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act of 2015, H.R. 1927, click here


Jan 8, 2016