Sessions Votes to Unleash the Potential of Hydropower

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX), Chairman of the House Committee on Rules, released the following statement applauding passage of a measure to modernize federal regulatory permitting processes by designating the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) as the lead agency for licensing hydropower projects:
“Hydropower presents a tremendous opportunity for the United States to generate cleaner, more affordable energy. However, bureaucratic hurdles have held back the potential of this resource. Under current laws, the licensing process for new hydropower development projects can last more than a decade and cost millions of dollars. As a critical component of our all of the above energy strategy, we need to unleash the capability of hydropower by modernizing current infrastructure and building new projects. To effectively do this, we have to streamline the current permitting and licensing process so these projects can get underway.  By putting this issue squarely in FERC’s jurisdiction, we will help expedite these processes so we can produce cleaner energy and drive down energy costs for hard working American families.”
To learn more about H.R. 3043, Hydropower Policy  Modernization Act of 2017, click here.


Nov 9, 2017