Chairman McGovern Announces Markup of Resolution Ensuring Transparency and Providing a Clear Path Forward as House Prepares Public Phase of Impeachment Inquiry

McGovern will introduce the resolution tomorrow, which will be marked up in the Rules Committee the following day

WASHINGTON, DC — As the House prepares to begin the public-facing phase of its impeachment inquiry into the conduct of President Donald Trump, Rules Committee Chairman James P. McGovern (D-MA) announced today that the Rules Committee will mark up a resolution that will ensure transparency and provide a clear path forward on Wednesday, October 30th at 3pm ET in H-313, The Capitol. Chairman McGovern, who will introduce the resolution in the House tomorrow, released the following statement:

“This is a solemn time for our country. With our existing authority under the Constitution and the rules of the House, Congress has been investigating serious allegations involving President Trump and Ukraine. There is mounting evidence that the president abused his power and betrayed our national security while compromising the integrity of America’s elections. As committees continue to gather evidence and prepare to present their findings, I will be introducing a resolution to ensure transparency and provide a clear path forward, which the Rules Committee will mark up this week. This is the right thing to do for the institution and the American people.” 



Oct 28, 2019