Press Releases 116th Congress

Sep 17, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Alcee Hastings (D-FL), Chairman of the Rules Committee’s Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process, announced a subcommittee hearing discussing ways to increase community resilience and the impacts that natural disasters have on the budget process on Tuesday, September 24th at 2:45PM (EDT) in H-313, the Capitol. As once-

Jun 19, 2019 Press Release

Supports SNAP, rebuilds infrastructure, combats gun violence, and prohibits President Trump from diverting funds from military construction projects to build his unnecessary border wall 

Jun 11, 2019 Press Release

Resolution also reaffirms that committee chairs may go to federal court to seek civil enforcement of all subpoenas when authorized by the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group

**Video of his speech is available here**

Apr 2, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC — On the House Floor today, Rules Committee Chairman James P. McGovern (D-MA) managed a rule for consideration of H. Res. 271, a resolution condemning the Trump administration’s legal campaign to take away Americans’ health care.

Feb 13, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC — Rules Committee Chairman James P. McGovern (D-MA) today welcomed two new Majority members appointed to the committee for the 116th Congress: Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), who also served on the committee during the 111thCongress, and Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11).

Jan 25, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC — On the House Floor today, Rules Committee Chairman James P. McGovern (D-MA) led passage of a rule to consider a package of six pre-conferenced spending bills negotiated between the House and Senate Appropriations Committees last Congress and a bill to reopen the Department of Homeland Security through February 28th.

Jan 17, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Last year, at the direction of the Speaker, the Rules Committee was tasked with holding hearings on specifically legislating. Today, the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House Committee on Rules welcomed all Members of the House to participate in a “Members’ Day” discussion about this important issue.
