Press Releases

Mar 5, 2024 Press Release

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Good afternoon.

Feb 5, 2024 Press Release

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Good afternoon.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has testified before Congress that “the border is secure.”

The facts tell us the contrary.

In December, we reached the highest number of migrant encounters ever recorded in American history.

Jan 16, 2024 Press Release

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Good afternoon.

Jan 9, 2024 Press Release

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Good afternoon, and welcome back to the Rules Committee.

A new year marks a time for change. As Americans across the country bring new vigor towards their own resolutions, House Republicans are renewing our Commitment to America. Vital to our agenda is a government that is accountable and an economy that is strong.

Dec 12, 2023 Press Release

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Good morning.

Today, the Rules Committee is meeting on one of the gravest and most consequential responsibilities of the House of Representatives. We are considering House Resolution 918, authorizing an impeachment inquiry to examine the President of the United States.

Dec 4, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon.

Our adversaries are evolving their methods and shifting their targets. Gone are the days when direct attacks and military strength were the only things to be feared. A new frontier of aggression is here—and it’s one that seeks to subvert our systems and control America through our greatest asset: our people.

Nov 14, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon. It’s good to be with you again this week.

Our constituents expect us to deliver results and make government more efficient and effective. This direction toward accountability and transparency is part of the House Republican Commitment to America—and we are unyielding in our pursuit.

Nov 13, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon. When the American people put gavels in the hands of House Republicans, it came with the promise of changing the status quo.
