Press Releases

Nov 6, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon. Under President Biden’s direction, we’ve watched life get hard for Americans. A once booming economy is now ailing. Stronger wages have been replaced by emptier wallets. And the optimism families and small businesses felt for the future has diminished under the crushing weight of inflation.

Nov 1, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon. I want to welcome you all back to the Rules Committee. It has been a long few weeks in the House of Representatives, but I am very happy to continue our work on behalf of the American people. There are many promises to be kept and challenges to be addressed.

Oct 3, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon.

Sep 18, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon. Today’s hearing covers three items. The first I’ll discuss is our emergency measure, the Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act.

Sep 12, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon. In America, we understand that freedom is not guaranteed. A strong national defense is not a mere option—but a constitutional duty. It’s an imperative that has been secured by the collective sacrifice of those part of the armed forces generation after generation.

Jul 26, 2023 Press Release

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Jul 25, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon. Responsible governance is a core pillar of the Republican Commitment to America. Today, the Rules Committee will continue to deliver on that promise by ensuring fiscal responsibility and addressing executive agency abuses with three measures.

Jul 17, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon. Today’s hearing covers two items that are of vital importance to the American people.

Jul 11, 2023 Press Release

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Good afternoon. Our military stands as one of the greatest forces for good and freedom across the globe. Their role in America’s security—and the duty of Congress to provide for our common defense—is a constitutional imperative. It’s also why we are here today.
